Chapter 12

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Kongpob POV

Okay, so what exactly happened? Why am I standing in front of the library now? Waiting for P'Arthit, any normal human being would answer after hearing our conversation. But why? I don't know. Where did I get the guts from to ask him on dinner? I don't know. Why am I lying again? I don't know. Why did he agree as soon as I asked so? I don't fucking know. Arghhhh!! What exactly is happening? Why am I not able to control my behavior? I am being one of those stalker fans now. Am I obsessed? Well, I am.

But... I should break down the truth. That's it. I am doing it today for sure. No turning back Kong, you gotta do this today. Just then, a Mercedes stopped in front of me. The door opened and out came the dazzling hero with sparkling lights behind him. Just like those movies. He had this warm smile decorating his face.I snapped out from my thoughts and sniled back and waved at him. He quickly walked to me and said, "Quick Kongpob, get into the car before I am discovered." He grabbed my hand and  opened the door for me. I quickly nodded and sat inside the car.

He followed my actions and sat on the driver's seat. After few seconds, he turned to me and asked, "So, where do you wanna go?" To which I replied, "My Auntie's restaurant down the street"

"Oh! She won't mind?"

"I don't think so P', I will introduce you as my friend, besides she doesn't know you. So I guess you will be fine"

After what felt like an eternity he opened his mouth but closed it as soon as he opened it.

I smiled reassuringly at him and said "Don't worry P', we won't be sitting in the hotel but inside her house which is joint with the restaurant"

To which he said, "Okay! What ever you say" and drove away.

Once we stopped at the restaurant. He started to wear his mask and glasses. Hastily, I stopped him by grabbing his hand and said, "P'Arthit, my aunt does not know you but if you conceal your face too much then she can get curious." Somewhat, he didn't seem to listen to what I was saying and was staring at my hand holding his hand. I hurriedly released it and got down the car and waited for him to come out as well.

As always the restaurant wasn't that crowded. It wasn't like a typical modern restaurant. It had its regular customers. My aunt,Areeya,was a widow with her only son, studying in college in Bangkok. She was a kind woman with a gentle smile in her early 50's. She was my dad's only sibling. She refused to depend on us when her husband passed away and started up the restaurant. But somewhat, of all aunts and uncles I have, I seemed to have a strong attachment to her. Since her son is in his fourth year, he can't really visit often. So I make sure that she doesn't feel lonely and fill the void of his absence as much as possible.

As soon as we entered, I was welcomed by a bone-crashing hug. In muffled voice I said, "Auntie Areeya, did you miss me so much? We just saw three days ago. How are you doing today, my lady?"

She released and said, "I am doing great Simba. It's so nice to have you here sweetie"

I smiled at the sweetness but scowled at her for addressing me by that nickname in front P'Arhtit and replied, "Auntie, I told you not use that name". I looked at P' who was now smiling ear to ear. I could feel heat all over my face and I bet I was blushing like hell. To hide my embarrassment I changed the topic,"Auntie, meet my friend...." I didn't know If I could reveal his name. So I blankly looked at him, trailing off. He quickly added, ".... Art"

As always, my auntie gave a wide smile and said, "Nice to meet you dear. It's hardly that Simba gets anyone to eat here along with him. It's usually just him or with his sisters. I guess, he had brought one girl from his high school once, if I remember correctly". I felt P's face fall hearing the last statement. He is probably hungry.

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