Chapter 33

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Kongpob POV

I was whistling my way into the Gmm building. I was smiling at every other person I saw on the way and some even gave me weird eyes... But who cares? They don't know the reason for my happiness nor do they care. Well it's not every day that an ordinary fan gets to date their own celebrity, right? Ha!

I made my way to P'Arthit's room and saw him frowning at the dialogue sheet cutely. He was slightly sipping on what looked like Pink milk while trying to mug up the dialogues. Have I ever told you guys that he is PERFECT? I mean he is a demi God, in human form. Not like I have seen a  Demi God, but I am assuming they look good and are kind,just like him.

His looks aside. I still can't believe the fact that he is my boyfriend. I mean, the night before, we were still acquaintances but the next morning I am no more single,because of him. And I am totally fine with it.

At first, I really felt guilty to have wanting him as my lover.... Even now I do. I mean he is someone who I will always look upto. But if I being comfortable around him makes him happy, then why not? I might as well give it a try. Out of all good things that happened yesterday, the best part was that I am free of all lies. I can talk to him about my school life and so on,without hiding anything. Looking at him, a wide smile spread on my face. I wish I could look at him all the time,like this, without any restrictions.

I know that, that dating him is gonna bring a lot of troubles along with him...
.. In fact his career might get ruined but... I still can't help my feelings. This sort of emotion, gives me butterflies inside my stomach and at the same time a feeling of burning flame. Whatever it was, it sure gave me so much pleasure, which no words can describe. Whatever problems we face, we will face it together. As long as he is beside me, I will work it out.

I slowly made my way to him and tapped on his shoulder, which made him look up at me. The face which was earlier tensed and stressed out now was slowly being replaced by a gentle smile. As though he had seen the most precious thing in the world.

I didn't know what to say to him. I mean what do new couples, say to each other the next moment they decide to date? I don't remember what I said to Cherry,at all. I don't remember any sort of details of dating since my dating history starts at Cherry and ends at Cherry, so far.

So Cluelessly, I decided to succumb to the most basic greeting.

"Hi, P'Arthit. How are you doing today? " I didn't realize I was shaking until I heard my nervous voice. I mentally face palmed myself when he started to laugh, teasing me, for my stupid way of trying to start a conversation smoothly.

"Don't laugh P'....! I don't really know what to say?" I said while pouting.

He looked at me intently before putting his dialogue sheets on the table and walked closer to me, pulling me into a warm hug by my waist and nuzzling his head on the crook of my neck, while planting a small kiss on my exposed collar bone.

My hands automatically flung themselves around his neck and pulled him closer.

He chuckled before saying, "Much better now, Kong. Thank you..."

I patted his head before pulling away and looking at him in the eye. He stared right back but a tint of red was visible on his chubby cheeks. I leaned in a pecked him on the cheeks before muttering, "You are so cute P'."

He shook his and said, "I am handsome,not cute!"

I giggled at his childishness before nodding away.

I walked away from him while picking up the schedule file for today. He followed me and wrapped his arms around me from the back while I smiled and looked at his schedules for today.

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