Chapter 22

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Kongpob POV

I watched him practice his dialogues in front of the mirror before going for the shoot. So that's how it's done. I couldn't help but ogle him in his gorgeous outfit. He was way too unreal to be real.

I was so much into him that I didn't notice that he noticed me staring at him. He was so close to my face that I could feel my heart pound like the drums that he plays. I could feel my stomach doing a somersaults then and there. I gulped and tried to look away but his stare prevented me from doing so.

I felt a slight shake on my shoulder which broke my train of thoughts. I looked at him again but this time being much conscious than before.

"Are you okay? I find you spacing out a lot today. Focus okay?" He smiled gently at me while I nodded.

Suddenly P'Yui came in rushing and said "Er...what was your name? Ko-"

"It is Kongpob P'"

"Oh P'Yui you are here , I thought you were going on a vacation to your hometown?" P'Arthit said, with teeny tiny bit of annoyance and disappointment evident in his voice.

She smiled before saying,"I forgot to drop this file to you. You had asked me to give your schedules to him yeah? So here it is."

She handed over the file to me and said encouragingly, "Good luck boy, Arthit can be very bothersome sometimes."

I looked at her questioningly as to what she meant by 'bothersome' for he could never be one to me.

"Don scare him already P'Yui" P'Arthit said in mock-whine and pouted his lips. If only I could pinch those pouty li-

The fuck am I thinking? I physically flicked my forehead as though telling myself to keep my head off the gutter and shook my head trying to kick the thought away from my head, forgetting there were other people besides me in the room and they would find me weird.

Great, just great. They were looking at me as though I was a psychopath. I looked at P'Arthit who had one of his eyebrows raised looking at me questioningly while P'Yui was just blankly staring at me as though judging me, if I was worthy of this job at all.

Of course anyone would. First of all my clumsy self had to show off its abilities and create a scene in front of all those actors while now, I flick my forehead out of blue as though this was the most natural thing to do in the everyday life. Right. I can't remember the last time I had embarrassed myself so much,because I have so many embarrassed myself so much that at one point I stopped counting and just gave in to my clumsy self.

I laughed nervously and was about to shrug it by saying, "Oh.... So...rry..sorry the mosquitoes are erm... Sucking blood from... Er....your....lips....sorry my head wait my fore.... Forehead.

But before I could reframe my sentence P'Arthit came forward and caressed the spot I had flicked myself on, softly with his thumb. I couldn't help but feel his touch and flutter my eyes close.

"Why would you flick yourself like that huh? How the heck do mosquitoes.... Ugh never mind, don't hurt yourslef like that, okay?" He smiled at me before moving away and looking at P'Yui who was just gawking at us.

Yes I did hurt myself by agreeing to be your PA... My heart hurts from too much sweetness in my system.

I was almost about groan in pleasure while rubbing my heart so as to soothe this stray feeling that I have never felt before. I looked at P'Arthit, who seems to have staring contest with P'Yui because they have been staring at each other as though they were communicating through their eyes for quite a long time.

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