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Ever since the day that Dinah left, Liliana had been spending a lot of time with her aunt Lauren.

Liam usually stayed home with her mom, which was probably best.

Liliana didn't want Camila to worry that her children were uncomfortable around her, which was a slight problem.

Because to be honest, they kind of were.

"So you're telling me that they just called it off, and Camz kicked Dinah out." Lauren repeated the events described to her, trying to wrap her head around it.

Liliana nodded.

"Fucking Christ." she mumbled. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Aunt Lauren, why you always gotta curse?" Liliana asked her, sighing.

Lauren looked at the eight year old. "Oh shit, sorry. Excuse my language." she apologized, not realizing that she literally just cursed again.

Liliana giggled a bit.

Normani then came walking into the room. At this point in time, her and Lauren had gotten married, but had no children yet since they weren't sure if they wanted to adopt or get a donor.

"Laur, I have a great idea." she said, sitting down on the couch next to Liliana.

The green eyed girl cocked an eyebrow. "To get Dinah and Camila back together? Enlighten me." she said as if she disbelieved it completely.

Normani scoffed at her. "It's not like they hate each other, they're just being difficult and stubborn as always."

"Alright, whatever you say." Lauren replied. "Now what do you have in mind?"

"I say that instead of our honeymoon being just us, we bring everyone as like a whole family vacation!" Normani explained excitedly.

Liliana perked up at the idea too. She bounced up and down in her seat. "Yeah! Can we aunt Mani?!"

"Holdddddd up." Lauren interrupted. "Mani, we're going to frickin Hawaii! How the hell are we gonna fit-"

"We'll bring Ally and Troy, Kehlani and Shawn, Camila and Dinah, it'll be just like old times!" Normani kept rambling on and on.

Liliana then remembered that she hadn't seen Shawn or Kehlani since Lauren and Normani's wedding, which was almost two years ago at that point in time.

From what she was told by her parents, the two had gotten together for some odd reason and were now a couple.

"Oh dear Jesus." Lauren sighed. "Fine, we'll take everyone with us, but only because I want Caminah back together and I care about my lil Lilo." she grinned, placing a hand on the eight year old's head.

"Yay!" Liliana cheered. "I always knew you liked me more than Liam!"

Lauren laughed nervously. "Pffft, I never said that."

"So it's set then!" Normani butted in. "Laur, you're gonna call Camila, and I'll call Dinah. Tell Mila who's going but leave DJ out of it."

Lauren nodded. "Gotcha."

And with that, the plan was put into action.

Liliana hoped that her parents would come without any questions asked.

Lauren was the first to make her call, and so the eight year old watched as her aunt opened her phone, went to her contacts app, pressed on Camila's name, and proceeded to call her.

They waited a few seconds until they heard a "Hello?" from the other side.

"Hey Camz." Lauren said into the phone. "I wanted to ask you something."

The Road Back Together - {Sequel} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now