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A/N: sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out y'all, I've been slacking a bit with this story cuz I've been working on a lot of other ideas for fics and shit 😂

Don't worry tho, this story is obviously gonna get finished.


They all chilled at the club for a little while more, dancing, drinking, you name it.

But things started going downhill from there.

Dinah noticed that Camila had gone missing for a long time, and she couldn't remember exactly where the Cuban-Mexican said she would be.

"Ally," the Polynesian walked up to her shorter friend. "Do you know where Camila went?"

Ally stared at her for a second, as if she were in deep thought.

"Last time I checked, she had to use the bathroom." she answered.

Dinah quickly headed over there, already pretty worried.

She knew Camila. The Cuban-Mexican was not one to get lost in a club, especially when she emphasized that everyone should stay together at all times.

And that's when she saw it, right by the far end of the club where the bathrooms were. There were two men dragging Camila away.

They looked pretty deranged, almost as if they were beyond wasted.

"HEY!" Dinah yelled, chasing after them.

Their head's shot up, and they began to run the other way with Camila out the back entrance of the club.

The Polynesian could barely keep up, breathing heavily as she followed the men.

They eventually stopped, and did so very suddenly.

Dinah ran up to them, but before she could say or do anything, she noticed one other man creep up behind to grab hold of her.

"Shit!" she yelled as her arms were pinned behind her back. "The fuck do you guys think you're doing?!"

Camila was already sobbing. "Let her go!" she cried. "Why are you doing this?"

One of the men smirked. "We're just a couple of guys lookin for a good hookup." he explained. "It must be our lucky night, because last time I checked, we were only targeting one of you ladies."

"And we've heard of you chicks before. You two are part of that local girl band, Fifth Harmony." another man added. "Absolute score in my opinion."

Both Camila and Dinah fought back a bit more, but their efforts were pointless as they were shoved into the back of an SUV.

All of their belongings that could potentially save them, like their phones, were taken from them as well.

"I'll drive em. You two take the other car back to my place." One of the three said, as he got into the driver's seat of the car.

Camila and I were given the freedom to move around in the backseat, but there wasn't much to do.

The button for the window, along with the handle and lock to open the door had been taped over with duct tape, and there was a glass separator blocking the front of the car from being accessed by anyone in the back, almost like how they had them in taxis or limos.

Those dudes had either heavily prepared for kidnapping, or had done it too many times before to the point where they knew every trick in the book.

"D-Dinah," Camila was freaking out. "W-whats gonna h-happen to us?"

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