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The next day, there was a loud pounding on the door to the hotel room.


It was Ally. Screaming her head off at seven in the morning.

Dinah woke up abruptly, while the rest of her family took their sweet time.

Since she was the only one willing to, she decided to go get the door before Ally could possibly punch her way through it instead.

"Sup Smalls. Lovely morning to be banging on somebody's hotel room door, am I right?" the Polynesian mused.

Ally scoffed. "We have to get going in an hour, we all want to go to the black sand beaches."

Dinah sighed. "Alright, I'll get everyone up."

"Okay, meet at Lauren's room when you're all ready." Ally told her.

Dinah nodded. "Gotcha. See you in a bit." she then closed the door in Ally's face, too tired to care whether she slammed it or not.

She walked back into the bedroom and went to go get everyone up.

Dinah stared down at her daughter and Camila sleeping together. She had to admit, it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

Looking over at Liam, she noticed that he was still deeply sleeping.

So she picked him up, and placed him carefully under the covers right on the other side of Camila, since there was enough room for him too.

Surprisingly enough, the three year old managed to stay sound asleep.

Making sure that they all looked comfy, Dinah took a step back.

Figuring that they would be fine like that, she headed into the kitchen.

Might as well make everyone breakfast while I'm at it. Dinah thought to herself, grabbing everything she needed from the refrigerator and cabinets.

She decided that she would just make some eggs and toast, and some bacon for Camila.

The last time she cooked for them was a while back, but apparently they had enjoyed it so much to the point where Dinah was stuck cooking for them all day.

She wanted to not only make her family happy,  but to prove to Camila that she was still a capable spouse.

As she began cracking the eggs into a pan, Dinah reflected on everything that led to her and Camila splitting.

Had she really tried to put her career in front of her children? Was everything that Camila accused her of correct?

Dinah sighed.

That's when both Liam and Liliana ran into the kitchen.

"MAMA'S COOKING!" they both yelled, taking a seat at the table.

Dinah grinned. "You guys in the mood for some eggs and toast?" she asked them.

Both kids rapidly nodded their heads up and down.

Camila walked in soon after, a drowsy look on her face. "Good morning." she practically whispered.

She then looked slightly annoyed. "Dinah, why are you cooking?"

Dinah cocked an eyebrow. "Cause it's time to eat breakfast?"

"I'll take care of all of that myself." Camila told her. "You don't have to do that anymore."

Also getting frustrated, the Polynesian grabbed Camila's wrist and pulled her off to the side a bit.

"We can't keep acting like children in front of our children." she told the Cuban-Mexican, who scoffed.

The Road Back Together - {Sequel} ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon