{10} - FINALE

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The rest of the vacation went by smoothly.

Liliana had been suspicious of the way her parents were acting when they came home that night at the club.

Of course, she didn't know the full story since she was too young to understand, but both Dinah and Camila acted very differently.

"Mama?" Liliana tugged on Dinah's shirt while the taller woman had been cooking breakfast.

Dinah cocked her eyebrow slightly, still concentrating on making the food.

"Why has Mami been acting like she doesn't hate you lately?"

The Polynesian practically stumbled backward hearing those words come out of her daughter's mouth.

"Uhh-" she tried not to make eye contact. "No reason. Just sit down and I'll continue making you and your brother breakfast."

Liliana shrugged, and did as she was told.

Camila came walking in a moment later with Liam in her arms.

"You're getting heavy Liam!" she chuckled a bit, setting the three year old down at the kitchen table. "Pretty soon, you'll have to carry me down to breakfast."

Liliana noticed her two parents giving each other significant glances.

Something was totally up.

But the eight year old decided not to question it, and began to eat her food once Dinah had set it in front of her.


After breakfast, Dinah took Liliana and Liam to the hotel's swimming pool with Lauren and Normani.

It was a really cute scene, since all three of them were holding hands as they headed down to the pool area.

"Mama, are you coming in?" Liliana asked curiously.

Dinah grinned. "No, I'm just gonna let you drown."

"DINAH!" Lauren yelled at her. "WHAT THE FU-?"

"Your Mama was just kidding, Lili." Normani butted in, covering Lauren's mouth. "Although, I don't think it was funny at all."

"Of course I'm gonna swim with you guys." Dinah added. "But only for a little bit, because I kinda have to head back up to the room in a little while. Then you'll be in your Aunt Mani and Aunt Lolo's hands." she explained, smirking at the couple.

Liam wiggled out of Liliana's grasp eagerly, ready to go swimming.

Dinah sighed, scooping the three year old up like a baby.

"Not so fast, your Mami would kill me if I didn't put any sunscreen on you both."

It took about ten minutes, but the Polynesian completely lathered her two children up in sunscreen, and was now waiting for the lotion to dry on their skin.

"C'mon you two, we can go in now." Dinah told them after waiting a bit longer.

They both smiled widely, and held onto their Mama as they walked over to the entrance of the pool.

Dinah slid swimming trunks onto Liam's arms, since she knew Camila would probably also kill her if she let the three year old in without them.

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