t h i r t y - o n e

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Two weeks later and I was working at a newly opened coffee shop called Tomtom. It was a few blocks away from Lily's school but I'm thankful that it's never packed with noisy high school students. Lily comes to see me most of the time though. Her class is done by 3 and she usually comes by at 4 and I'm off by 6 so we drive home together.

Like last Friday. It was the fourth time that Lily came by. She would just usually sit on the stool bar and we would talk when there's not a lot of people in line. Almost all of my co-workers already know her and they would sometimes call my attention when she arrives.

"Hey Harry, there's your sister." My co-worker, John pointed out. It's a Monday today and Lily entered through the double glass doors with a thick book in her arms. I smiled at her as our eyes met and behind her entered her two friends.

She didn't go straight to the counter today as she walked in and asked how I was. She just waved and proceeded to a seat at the back. What's different today? Is it because she has company? Her friends didn't seem to notice me though. As soon as they reached a table they put their books down and their bags on to the floor. My eyes followed them as they sat down and opened their books. Looking around, they are the only high school people here. The cafe is mostly packed with businessmen or college students.

"Hey... Excuse me..." I shook my head as I heard a woman's voice. It's Lena. She's standing in front of the counter. I didn't notice her when she walked in. She is wearing a white long-sleeved top tucked inside of a black pencil skirt and was smiling widely.

"Oh hey... I'm sorry about that." I flashed my most undistracted smile. "What can I get for you?"

"I didn't know you work here. I always come by here at night." Instead of giving me her order she tried making conversation.

"Uhm yeah, I'm off by 6 so you don't probably see me anymore." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh okay. So I'll just have an iced coffee today." I punched in her order. "Hey you never called me... so I never got to know your number."

"What?" I asked confused. Did she give me her number? I don't remeber asking for it.

"I said you never called me. I gave Lily my number and told her to give it to you." I tried to look like I was remembering the moment. The cook-out! I was waiting for Lily outside and maybe that was when Lena gave her my number. But I don't remember Lily saying anything in fact we never talk about Lena.

"Yeah I... I got busy so..." As I tried to look for an excuse I looked over to Lily's table. And she was staring at us... not a trace of smile in her face.

"No, that's okay." She giggled. "I got pretty busy too so that's fine."

"Oh yeah? Are you in College?" I don't know how long this conversation is gonna go so I tried to not kill it.

"Yeah. And I'm working in the art gallery." By that time a group of girl strode into the cafe so I didn't bother asking which one because it might be the gallery my mom frequents. I hope not.

Lena finally took a seat as her coffee is being served. I took the other girls' orders and when there was nobody else in line my mind thought back to what Lena said. I think Lily didn't forget to give me her number. But that's not an issue for me. I never would have called her if I got her number anyway. I looked back to Lily and she was so focused on her book while her friends were just chatting away. I wonder if she's upset with me again.

I went over to the blenders and thought I'd make her her regular drink. I took a tall glass and filled it with Mango Orange Smoothie.

"Hey John, can you serve this to Lily's table? I'm on the counter today." John took the glass and I watched him from the counter as he glided through tables. He set the drink on Lily's table and her look was of confusion. Somebody entered the cafe and as I shifted my eyes to the new customer I saw the three girls look to my direction from the corner of my eyes. When I was done taking the order, I snuck a glance towards Lily. As she took a sip from her smoothie her eyes met mine again. She lifted her eyebrows, giving me a questioning look. In answer, I just gave her a wink which earned a smile back to her face.




This is just short and random cause I might double update :))

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