t h i r t y - t h r e e

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You could say that I've already had a lot of experiences with girls. I used to be the kind of guy who would never pass up an opportunity when it comes my way. If I like it I'd take it. Not because sex had no meaning for me before, but because I've never been in love. I've never felt the feeling of wanting to do it at the right moment, at the perfect time.

Lily gives me that feeling. Not only because I know that she's a virgin. But because waiting for it seems so worth it. Because I know that I'll have something to look forward too after and not just a casual separating of ways. I'm happy just being with her and I would gladly wait a lifetime if I have too.

Soft kisses...

I felt soft kisses trailing down my cheeks to my lips. "Wake up Harry..." then more kisses. I am tempted to pretend asleep for a little bit more, but I just can't help it. I need to see the angel's face that these lips belong to.

I pulled the blanket up to my neck and stretched my legs before I opened my eyes. "Lily..."

"You're alarm's been going off for a while but it's not waking you up so I stopped it." She sat down the bed and ran her hand through my unruly hair.

"I'd rather wake up to this than the stupid alarm." I scratched my eyes and my sight adjusted. "Where's mom?" I pulled myself up a bit and sat up, kicking the blanket down.

"Gone to work. And you'll be late for yours if you don't step into the shower now." I looked down and noticed she's already dressed for school. I've never slept through my alarm before. I must have been having the best dream which I couldn't remember now.

"Oh shit!" I quickly shuffled out of bed, throwing the blanket on to the floor. I was in the bathroom in an instant. After I dried off I put my black jeans on and a white t shirt. Before heading out the door I grabbed the black collared shirt with the cafe's logo and ran downstairs. I guess I'm skipping breakfast today.

"Hey listen... how would you like to go out on a school night?" I raised my eyebrows at Lily as she fastened her seatbelt.

"We're... going out?" She asked.

"Yeah. We haven't gone on a date yet have we?" She revealed her pearl white teeth in a huge smile. She seems excited about the idea. I was planning to take her to the other side of town. It's a really nice place though less fancier than our side. There's an old style movie theatre there which I know she'll love. There are a lot of side street stores, there's a lake park where some people watch skaters practice their moves, lots of arcade and ice cream shops. It's a funner version of this side as they say and I've been there a few times.

"I've never gone on a date before."

"Then I'll be your first." I started the engine and looked around. "Now give me a quick kiss before we go." She leaned in and put her lips on mine. I love the fact that she always seems so happy when she kisses me.

As I drove to the direction of her school I thought about what we did last night. "Uhm... Lily?" She turned to me, waiting for what I'm going to say. "About last night... I know I told you that I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want... so if it happens that I cross your boundary then just stop me okay?"

"You didn't make me do anything last night Harry... that I don't want." She reached her hand out to touch my arm.

"I was just thinking that... you know... you might get scared to tell me if I somehow do."

"Don't worry about me." She assured me.

"I can't do that baby..." I said, remembering that she liked it when I call her that. "I'm not gonna lie okay? I've done the deed before and half the time... when I used to be with other girls I... I think about you." I swallowed. Processing what I just admitted to her. I can't look at her right now and see the disgusted look on her face.

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