chapter 14

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The next morning I ran into that bitch Erika she wa trying to ask all nice and shit but i could see through her throng oe lies "h i coutrney" she said to em and i waid "hi bitch if heard jakey po just titally beat the shit of out you last nigeht"

"oh lst night with jake was amazing she said

'GOOD YOURE A BOOTY TAMPON" i yelled in her fase then left becasuse i had an appointment with olaf


Qhen i qa s aitting in the waiting room the womwna at the counte r smiled at m "hi are you coutnhry" "yeah I toaly her she nodded and saitd "oalf will see you now" so i went into ofal's doctors fofice

"hey alof" i said and he smiled at me "hi country how are oyr babesz"

"if don't wknow that s hwy i came in to see you"

olaf told me to get naked so duh of course i did because he's a sexxy beast

and then we had sex.

then he was like "hey coutrey i need to tell you something" So he swabbed my vajayjay and said "okay good your babies are healthy"

"Cool thains" I told him.

We hugged and had sex one more time before i had to leave to go back to the Team 10 house

Jake Paul got me pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now