Figuring out the Murderer

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Jug and I got to the Blue and Gold office and immediately got to work. We opened the box and what we found was surprising. A flashdrive. There were blood stains on the box. I took the flashdrive and put it into my laptop. It would be a while for it to load.

"Hey Betts, I'm gonna take the box to the doctor from the morgue. Maybe we can get some answers from the blood. Tomorrow night, they should be done." Jughead said analyzing it himself.

"Be careful, Juggie. Drive safe and wear your seatbelt!" I yelled after him. He fake saluted and was off. I waited an hour, then it finally loaded. I clicked on it, and it was security camera footage! Someone has been stalking Cheryl for the past 3 months! I was in shock! Cheryl didn't suspect one thing though.

I skipped over some days of the footage and got to the day she was killed. This was it. Team Bughead figures out Cheryl's murder. I clicked on the video. It was the most disgusting thing I've seen. Cheryl was getting thrown around like a rag doll and the part where she got her head shoved was chilling. Then we got to it. Thee part. Cheryl got stabbed. Blood splattered on the walls and bed. The killer found the security camera and didn't bother trying to destroy it. The killer was...Oh gosh...It wasn't a male and they were wearing a sports sweatshirt. Cheryl's killer was her own girlfriend, Toni Topaz.

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