The Hospital

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I woke up in a hospital bed. My mind was stiff, I couldn't remember how I got there. I saw nurse come in and I immediately sat up. She saw though and forced me to lay back down.

"Take it easy, Miss Cooper. You're mom, Alice is here and so is your brother, Chic.

"What about Jughead?"

"He actually called us. He wants us to tell you that he's at the police station with Kevin. He says he'll be back soon." She said. I smiled and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep again. I woke up and Jughead was reading to me. It was "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost. He knew I loved the poem. I began to quote it quietly and he looked up. He put down the book and laif next to me in the hospital bed.

"Oh baby girl. How are you feeling?" He asked holding me in his arms.

"My head hurts. What happened?"

"I called the police one you passed out. When they arrived they put you in an ambulance right away. They took me here and I got stitches. I got the wound rapped up and I need crutches for about 2 weeks. Anyways, Toni was taken to Riverdale County Jail. She's facing 40 years in prison. Sheriff Keller helped fix all the illegal things we've done."


"I may or may not have gotten your name in the Blue and Gold. I also got your name in the local paper. You're also on the Pennsylvania state news. People know you're a hero."

I smiled and I hugged him. Then I remembered what he had said. He got stabbed because of me. I began to cry a little.

"Hey, hey! Betts, what's wrong?"

"You got hurt because of me. It's all my fault. I should've never called you. I should be dead right now and you not in crutches."

"What?! Betty, are you crazy. Ugh! That thought of you being in a body bag and seeing you bloody. I couldn't take it. You make me so happy. Happier than anyone could be in a lifetime. I would gladly give up anyone's life to save yours. I would gladly throw Chic in fire to save you!" She said. I giggled and I held him back. After about 5 minutes he began to talk again.

"So I'm guessing, we're gonna go back to sneaking around and our pathetic lives."
He asked.

"Yeah, we are. But there is no pathetic life I'd want to have with you in it." I said. We laid there and watched TV for a little while. We talked some and then my mom and Chic came.

"Why are you two holding each other like that?" Chic asked. I honestly wasn't ready for this. I was hurting and that's the only thing Chic could say to me?!

"JEEZ CHIC! GET OFF MY BACK! WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH!" I yelled. Chic threw up his hands in embarrassment and sat down. He was slowly eat a bag of chips and it was annoying.

"I'm really hungry, Juggie." I said.

"What do you want?"

"Chipotle. I like everything there."

"Whatever you want. I'll be back in 15 minutes." He said. He kissed my hand and winked at me. He shook Chics hand and left.
Chic was left in shock and I was left to think about how lucky I was. I was lucky to not just a good boyfriend but thee good boyfriend. The best anyone can ask for. He was mine and I was his. What can get better than this?


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