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dear joon,

i'm happy that you're having fun, but my heart is aching. we haven't talked still. did you already forget about me? am i still in your mind? are we still together? i have so many questions on my mind. i'm starting to doubt you, me, everything, us.

i want to end us. i'm so sorry for thinking this way, but communication is key for a relationship to be successful, and it feels like we're not working out. but i don't want to let go yet. let's see where this will go. if this goes nowhere, then i guess we're not meant to be. i'm sorry for being selfish. i thought i can do it, but i can't.

as much as i would love to message you, i don't want to appear clingy and needy. i'll be waiting for you still. i love you and i miss you so much. i hope you are safe.

- n. sh

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