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"Strange name. I'm hoodie, pleased to meet you." He replies, not missing a beat.

"Well, likewise. Who are your friends? You know, goggles and Masky?" I ask, wondering if Hoodie is his real name, or if he's forgotten that, like I have.

Chuckling at the nickname, he replies,
"Goggles? No, his name is Toby. Masky is the other ones name, yeah. Why are you all glitchy, kid?" He asks, sounding perfectly calm.

"Do you know the SCP?"
I ask in a quiet voice.
He stays quiet for a second, and replies,
"I wish I didn't."

What's that supposed to mean?

"We should go tell the others that your a friend, not a threat." He states, climbing down the tree again.
"I'm a friend?" I ask, smiling widely at the opportunity.
"Yeah. You seem sweet and you've been through a lot. Have you killed anybody?"

Should I say yes or no?

"Why?" I ask, raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Just say yes or no."
"Come on, then! Do you want to live with us? It'll be fun and free, and you'll have another family!"
I'm ecstatic. This is far more than I could have expected!

"Yeah! Thankyou soooo much!" I squeal, jumping from the tree and hugging him.
Now that we're stood, the height comparison is ridiculous! I'm 5'2 and he's got to be at least 5'11-5'12.

"Ok, calm down dude!"
He gasps at the impact of my bear hug.
"Stay here and I'll get the others and introduce you." He says in a commanding but gentle voice, and I sit on the trunk he sat on earlier while I wait.

Around 5 minutes later all three of them come back, and they don't seem surprised to find me. He must have told them. But he must have forgotten to tell them about me being a literal glitch.

"Hey! What's your name? Why are you glitchy?" Asks Toby, but before I can respond he snaps his neck to the side and an audible crack emits from it.

"Uh.. I'm puppet.jpg, and I'm glitchy because... uh... I forgot, nevermind." I stutter weakly, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

"Hoodie tells us you're a murderer?" Masky asks, eyeing me up and down.

"Uh... Yeah......" I mumble, suddenly realising how interesting the floor is today. I know! I'll stare at that. Stupid brain...

"How old are you? 12? 13?" Masky asks again, seeming a bit more relaxed.

I reply, blushing at how badly he misinterpreted my age.

"Oh... sorry." He says, looking away slightly and tapping his foot.

He turns back to Hoodie and says, "Dude, we need to get back to boss. I think puppet would make a great member to the team, shall we take him with us?"

Hoodie doesn't skip a beat.
"Yeah, I think boss would be fine with it."

"So I get another house and friends?"
I pipe up, suddenly much happier and more excited.

"Yeah, if boss is ok with it!" Hoodie responds in a friendly tone. I think we'll be friends.

After a 20 minute or so walk we come to a halt.
A huge house lay in front of us, one that I've never seen before.

"Where are we..?" I whisper to Toby.
"The Slender Mansion! It's where our friends and bosses live. It's super cool!"
He whispers back, getting pretty excited.

Masky goes forward and opens the door, us trailing behind.

"Yo Toby, wanna play this new game with me and Eyeless?" A boy's voice rings across the hall.

"Yeah, in a s-sec BEN!" He yells back, and walks up a flight of stairs, stopping half way to turn around and wave at me before ascending again.

"Why did Toby stutter?" I ask Masky, calmly.
"He has Tourette syndrome." He replies, continuing to navigate the long halls until we reach a door with a funny circle and cross on it.
Tourette Syndrome. Huh. That explains that neck crack earlier, too.

Knock knock knock.

The sharp sound of knuckles on wood wakes me from my day dream.
"Come in." An authoritive but strangely comforting voice calls from the other side if the oak door.

Masky leads the way, and I cling onto Hoodie's arm as we walk in behind.

"Who's this?" A tall man sat behind a huge desk asks, wearing a suit and tie and missing a face.

"This is puppet.jpg. He is a murderer with nowhere to go, no family and recent confinement at SCP. We believe he would make a great addition to our team and we would greatly appreciate him staying with us." Hoodie explains, and I'm shocked that he didn't go quiet or stutter once. I know I would've.

"Hmm. Leave me and him alone and I will decide. I'll call you two back in in a few minutes." The faceless man states simply, shooing them out if his office.

I awkwardly sit down when he gestures for me to, and I answer and ask questions.

"He said your name is puppet.jpg, am I correct?" He asks.
"Yes sir." I respond, hoping I don't sound weird, but its a title that suits him.
"Why are you called that?" He asks.
"Uh... well. Look, I have a thing.."
I state simply, stuttering again and reaching for my pocket. I pull out my tiny box and hand it over to him.

He finds the latch instantly, and pulls open the box to reveal the now unfolded keyboard and screen.
"What is this?"
He asks, genuinely curious.
"Uh... my tiny box."
I respond innocently.
"What does it do?"
He is asking too many questions...

"If you write P.jpg, does something, I am forced to complete the task that you wrote on the screen.. I'd prefer to keep it on my person at all times, please, s-sir..."
I explain, praying that had let me have it on me at all times.

"Hmm... interesting. Please could I do one experiment with it, first, and then you could have it back?" He asks.
I don't think I CAN say no... He is very controlling and I have a feeling he'd like me more if I oblige.
I sigh lightly. "Yes, sir."

He types something quickly, and then I find myself getting up, walking to his side of the desk, signing P.jpg on the end of a piece of paper with the circle cross thing in the top left hand corner.

I sit back down when my movements are mine again.

"Very interesting. Yes, you may stay at the mansion with us, and the piece if paper I had you sign confirms it."
He states, and I'm so happy he didn't do something worse.

"Thankyou sir."

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