Sans X Reader "Four Days"

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(Third Person POV)

Sans walked with his hands in his pockets and his smile plastered on his face. He wasn't paying attention to the real world today, and instead was daydreaming about a memory he cherished with the third human to ever fall down here. The human named (Y/N).

"That's a keeper!" (Y/N) waved the polaroid paper in the air as it developed, smiling at the camera they held in their other hand. They gave a breathy laugh, looking over at Sans.
"Do you have to make a stupid face every time we take pictures together?" They asked, furrowing their eyebrows. Sans only grinned.
"What? I thought you liked my smile!" He pretended to be hurt, holding up his right hand to his face, covering his mouth. His left hand gripped a black velvet box as it rested in his hoodie pocket.
"I do! Just not when we're taking pictures!" (Y/N) whined, still smiling as she taped the polaroid into a photo album. They looked upon their work with such pride and admiration. This photo album meant a lot to them.
"Well I thought that moment was just picture perfect." Sans gave a wink and the human snorted in amusement.  Sans shook off his nerves and gathered the determination to pull out the velvet box, holding it behind his back as he pulled out his comb with his right hand.
(Y/N) gave a blissful sigh as they looked up and around the beauty of Waterfall. The crystals that hung from the ceiling, the way the water reflected their light, it was magical. They had grown lost in thought until Sans cleared his throat.
"Hey, (Y/N). Knock knock." Sans had to grip the box again to keep his composure.
"Really, Sans?" The human gave him a look of a "really, another one of your jokes?" With a wide smile across their face.
"Com'on, (Y/N)." Sans gave a breathless chuckle as they rolled their eyes. How they had the Patience to deal with those jokes, he didn't know.
"Okay, who's there?" They answered, expecting one of the numerous knock knock jokes they had heard before.
"Will." Sans' voice had actually cracked with how nervous he was, though he still wore that same, semi-permenent smile.
"Will who?" (Y/N) had grown suspicious, as they had never heard that one before. They raised an eyebrow at the smiling skeleton.
"Will... You..." Sans cracked out a nervous giggle in the middle of his sentence as he showed them the velvet box before opening it and revealing a gold ring sporting an oval-cut sapphire with three smaller diamonds on each side of the sapphire.
"Marry me?" He barely said without his voice cracking, noticing the way (Y/N)'s face lit up with confusion, shock, and just a tinge of happiness.
It took a moment for them to register that this was actually happening, tears prickling their eyes. They looked at Sans, finally understanding why the skeleton had two jobs, and started to laugh, tears running down their face..
"You bonehead! I should've known you'd propose with a joke!" They laughed and started to literally shake, placing a kiss on Sans's forehead.
"Yes. Sweet cheesecake, yes." They were engulfed in a bear hug by the shorter skeleton, both of them now shaking and crying out of joy.
"I was so scared... I thought you'd say no." Sans breathed into the human's chest. They just wiped their eyes with one hand while rubbing the back of his skull with the other.
"Get Dunked On." They said, Sans being able to feel the grin in their voice.

Ah, what a day, what a day... That was one of the best days of his life, but as they saying goes, all good things must come to an end. His smile faultered as he passed by the quiet area of Waterfall, spotting Undyne's house to the right of him. He had been headed home from Alphys' lab. He caught a glimpse of the fish-face herself as she was leaving, and kept walking. Well, he kept walking until his soul turned green.
"Sans! There you are! You haven't reported in over a week!" The borderline masculine voice of Undyne called to the skeleton. Sans didn't turn around. He was still sore on the subject of conflict between them, and she knew it.
"Nofin to report, boss." He tried to leave again, but still couldn't.
"Sans, you're still upset? Seriously?" Undyne spoke with agitation and regret in her voice, taking a moment to pause.
"Sans, it had to be done. You know as well as I do-" Undyne started to justify her actions, as she felt the need to, but was cut off by Sans' cold, analytical voice. His eyes were a black void where no light dared to reach.
"F o u r   d a y s." He spoke cruelly, shutting Undyne up. The fish knew she had crossed the line.
"I t   t o o k   t h e m   f o u r   d a y s   t o   d i e." He growled as he turned back to Undyne, his smile plastered back onto his face. The guard looked royally afraid of the sentry that stood less than two meters away from her.
"San, they we-" She started, but again was cut off by Sans.
"(Y/N). . . . T h e i r    n a m e   w a s   (Y/N)." He enunciated, venom dripping from his voice. Undyne swallowed.
"I regret my actions, Sans. I do. Though you have to realize that (Y/N) wouldn't want you to be doing this to yourself. The drinking, the bad jokes, it has to stop! When is the last time you slept?!" Undyne now felt more worried for the skeleton than afraid, making her case.
"Y o u.  S t a b b e d.  T h e m.  T h r o u g h.   T h e.   B a c k." He spat back, his composure rock solid. He wasn't going to back down from this fish. Not now, not ever again.
"I wasn't thinking, Sans. If I had known, I would have refrained." Undyne admitted. She knew when she had been beaten, but didn't like it.
"I'm sorry." She said, releasing him from the green magic that held him. She half-expected an attack, but Sans had other plans.
"Sorry doesn't bring them back, dirty lover killer." Sans' pupils had returned to his eyes as he turned around and walked away.

Around three hours after that encounter, Sans had made it to his stomping ground, Grillby's. He really didn't need to stop by here, but he had to take his mind off of that soap opera with Undyne somehow.
"Hey Grilbz, how about a bottle of ketchup?" He raised his left hand, the tan line of where a ring once was still remaining on his left ring finger, though it was faded and greyed nearly as much as the rest of his bones. He put the left hand back down on the counter before pulling out his right hand. He stared at the gold band around his right ring finger, the mark of a widow. A tear gathered in his eye socket as he stared at the band, reading the engraving written on the width.

My soul is yours.

"Thanks, Grilbz." Sans sighed as Grillby pointed to the calendar. Sans lifted his gaze from the ring to see that the kid, Frisk, had freed them all exactly four days ago. He gave a grin and wiped his eye socket, before raising the bottle to the calendar.
"To you, (Y/N)." He said softly, with such care and fondness in his voice.
"Here, here." The rest of the bar chimed, raising their glasses, dog biscuits and fries. Sans had downed half a bottle before the room went quiet. Everyone shushed the ones they were next to as Sans kept chugging, the door bell ringing to signal someone had entered the bar. 

Slow, steady, thoughtful footsteps thunked on the floor of the bar, growing closer and closer to the skeleton of the night. Sans lowered his bottle and wiped his teeth. He didn't turn around, but froze in place when an extremely familiar voice spoke to him.

"Hey numbskull. You have your ring on the wrong finger." The voice was soft, yet edged out, quiet, yet hoarse. It was as if the voice hadn't been used in a long time.

"Sorry to be that one guy, but my love passed a long time ago." Sans grumbled to himself, going to lift the bottle to his lips until a left hand stopped him. This skeletal left hand bore a gold ring sporting an oval-cut sapphire. Three diamonds accented the right and left of the sapphire, and shined as the light hit it. This ring.... Was on their left ring finger.

Sans looked at the hand that stopped him from drinking the pain away, then followed the arm in which it was attached to with his pupils, only to meet two (E/C) pupils on black eye sockets starting back at him. Their smile was way too familiar, and brought a huge grin to Sans' once grief-stricken face. His sockets watered as he yanked the skeleton into a hug, burying his face into their chest, beginning to cry for the first time in a long time.
"You left me.." he croaked, staying still as he felt boney phalanges petting his skull in a soothing manner.

"I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry." The voice of (Y/N) answered him, they themselves crying as they pet their love. Two souls finally reunited, both having longed for the other since they were separated by the iron grip of death. Both of the skeletons stayed like that for hours, receiving coos and praise from the other Patrons in the bar. Even Grillby seemed to be in a much better mood. 


Word count: 1667

Thank you guys very much for reading this! I hope you have wonderful dreams tonight! I, love you!

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