Sans X Southerner! Reader "Giggles and Gags."

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This one will be incredibly short, but sweet. I'll go back and lengthen it when I have more inspiration. :3

Sans looked down in his lap, running his phalanges through the scalp of his other half as he sat on the couch, watching them as they laid there with a slowly growing smile. Their eyes began to smile from their cheeks as they started giggling at random, thinking of another joke In their head. Sans absolutely adored these random giggling fits, as his Love's giggling made his soul happy. He found his nonchalant grin growing as he listened to it, the droning of Mettaton's voice from the TV being drowned out. Frankly, it was a welcome change.

"Baby." Their southern drawl floated on the air like a scoop of Nice Cream on a Grillby's Famous root beer float. He could listen to them talk for hours... Their accent was entirely foreign to the Underground, which made (Y/N) stick out in all the right ways. To hear them speak was to hear an angel sing, at least, in his opinion it was.

"Yeah?" He answered in a brief, nonchalant tone of voice. (Y/N) had grown used to the one-worded replies, still unaware that Sans only used them when he wanted to hear them speak. They looked up at him with a shit-eating grin, Sans being sideways in their perspective.

"If a watermelon's got water in it, then what's a cumquat got in it?" They couldn't help the giggles of anticipation that slipped into their question, their smile growing wider. Sans looked taken aback by this question, immediately understanding the joke. His grin widened even more as he sighed, facepalming as he chuckled. He looked at the stupid look on (Y/N)'s face and couldn't help but chuckle a bit more as he playfully pushed their face away from him, causing them to snort in amusement.

"Nasty." He commented, causing them both to laugh from it. These were the moments he lived for: The moments where (Y/N) and himself alike could slow down to enjoy the little things. The love of his life made sure that they had those moments often enough to see him truly smile, and adored his joking and pranks, no matter how bad they were. To them, he was everything.

He often wondered how he had gotten so lucky, living each day to see the way they looked at him. They held so much love and adoration in their eyes, and only looked at him that way. It made him want to be a better person, and a better soon-to-be adoptive father. He could only hope to be the monster that they deserved, and would slaughter anyone who looked at his spouse, or his soon-to-be daughter in anything other than a happy way. He was going to make sure that his family would stay safe. He owed it to them. He owed it to himself.

"I lava you." They punned as they rolled over in his lap, now looking at him from a more comfortable angle. He let out a quick laugh before placing a kiss on their forehead.

"You magma soul throb." He punned back, causing (Y/N) to hold their stomach and burst out laughing. His smile settled back into the one that (Y/N) seemed to love the most, a smile of pure happiness. They loved that smile.

~ Happy Belated Mother's Day!~

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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