Seam X Female! Reader "Happy Birthday!"

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Seam, pronounced Shawm, gave a discerning smile as he opened up shop today. Today wouldn't matter. Nothing matters anymore, especially in the state that he's in. He could barely leave the shop to collect odds and ends anymore! He had employed a supplier by the name of (Y/N), an odd creature that spoke with a funny accent. She swore a lot more than anyone else and could down a bottle of whiskey like a pro. He thought that she was interesting to say the least. Very entertaining.

"Aye, Seam! Ya wanna go outside an tussle?" There she was now, teasing him as per the usual. A grim smile crossed his face, a chortle escaping his throat. He held up a paw and put it on her face.

"I fear I'll break you." He replied in the stoic tone he had grown rather fond of. Seeing her in such a childish mood lightened the grim reality that he didn't have much time left. He watched with amusement as she moved his paw off of her face, huffing in disappointment. She them brightened up and held up one finger.

"I fergot somethin! I'll be right back!" She said in a rushed manner, turning heel and running off, a knowing laughter echoing in the tent. Confusion crossed his face as he wondered what it could be. His good eye glanced over to the right, to scan the crates of Dark Berries that she had brought just yesterday. It couldn't be another crate of berries, could it? No, those take at least three or four to grow... Three or four what, you ask? He'd never tell.

A few minutes later, she walked back carefully, as if not to drop some kind of large cylinder in her hand. The sweet smell of cake wafted in the tent and Seam seemed to remember something in his youth. He remembers cake, ice cream, monsters, humans and Darkners alike gathered at his fourth birthday party. He remembers an old friend, entertaining the masses. Where was that friend now?... Nostalgia settles in the tent like oil settles at the top of water. He saw her struggle with the weight of the cylinder and offered a paw to help, but she shook her head. Stubborn as a mule, she was! Kind of smelled like one too after a long day's work...

"It's not much, bu' I thought that you might just like it! Me auld yin tried to make one, bu' I told 'em that Top Chef was be'er suited. Did the icin' maself!" She slipped in a card pun as she winked at Seam. She grinned and held up the confection that she had decorated herself. Scrawled across the top in shaky cursive icing read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Seam amused himself with the thought of (Y/N)'s father trying to bake something, the flames rising high in his imagined scenario. The man was good at a lot of things, but baking wasn't one of them. He was glad she didn't live with him anymore.

Seam pressed his lips together and smiled, patting (Y/N) on the head. Such a sweet girl. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and hugged him as he lit the candles. Seam was lucky to have someone like (Y/N) to take care of him in this life.

"Happy Birthday, Darlin'!" She spoke with such a fond tone as she smiled down at his sitting form. (Y/N) wasn't that much younger than he was, and on close inspection, Seam could see her age starting to catch up with her. It was nearly unnoticeable, though. Such a plump, beautiful face. He had forgotten his grim mood from earlier and found entertainment and joy from the woman he adored.


627 words! Short and sweet is how I'm rolling right now, I suppose! I'll have to go back and start lengthening these...

Anyway, if you liked it, click the star! Was there something you liked? Is there something I could've done better? Tell me! And don't be afraid to request!

Have wonderful dreams wherever you are! I, love you!

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