Chapter 1

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  The rain is pouring down like brick breaking from its mortar—of course it is—and while that sounds cool, I can assure you—it's not. The aching cold has spread everywhere by now, painting the town in white. I guess you could say it's the kind of day that makes you want to live on purpose, even if it's only to flip a huge spiritual bird at the day itself.

  But then, it's a Friday. Fridays are always like this, and the weather always clears up. Really, it's Whakatane, which translates to freezing-my-ass-off mornings, and hot-as-balls afternoons.
I guess something about Fridays always appeal to me, and it sure as hell isn't the subjects. No, something about Fridays just seemed to magical. Like time stands still and nothing Friday throws can stop me.

  You know?

  I listen smugly to my boots and their rhythmic stomping up to my friends. Sure, the people beside us give me weird looks, but doc martens were worth anything.

  "So what's on the agenda today?" I grin, knowing full well what's coming next.

  "The agenda? Which one?" 

  "Well, Pierce, I don't know what you expected. It's the agenda... the gay agenda!"

  "Of course it is," Piece laughs. Pierce is cool, he's out and open, and he's a pretty cool dude.

  "So it's cold out today."


  "Any of you fuckers gonna tell me why?" I grin. I have to say I'm enjoying the banter—of course I     am. Is there any instance that banter isn't okay? Wait no—there probably are. Somewhere.

  "So what have you got for me today?" I stare at Pierce. "No, don't tell me, just do it."

  It's a new tradition for us to play fucked up tumblr games. Well, relatively new. Thankfully we haven't encountered get down mr president yet, but it'll happen soon. I know it, and I'll be ready.

  "Informercial," says Pierce. Of course he does, while I've got my fucking books.

  I make a face, poking my tongue out at Pierce before stumbling and dropping all my things, taking care of my books and not much else.

  You see, in this particular game, when someone yells informercial, you have to royally fuck up whatever it is you're doing in an entirely melodramatic way.

  I grin, pushing my glasses up my nose, "I hope you know that if those books are damaged I will stab you."

  "Is that a threat?" Sam deadpans, almost grinning. Sam is always pretty chill, but they're always kind of cynical. My kind of dude.

  "Hell yeah it is." I say.

  "Hold that thought," Pierce says, checking his watch. "The bell will ring in two minutes. So what's the decision—we walk to our classes so we get there in time, or hang around here and procrastinate for as long as possible."

  "Oh yeah, definitely procrastinate." Josh smirks.

  "In that case," I say, "We can still catch some sun down by the field."

  Pierce stiffens and shoots me a glare. I am both vastly terrible and kind. Pierce has a crush on one of the guys in the football team. They usually train shirtless - yes, I know, even in the cold which is utterly pointless - and I'm giving Pierce the opportunity to subtly ogle at his crush.

  "It's certainly an idea," Sam smiles. They don't know, and I promised not to tell, but Sam knows what's up, and I can't keep it from them for long.

  Although, it depends whether Pierce tells them himself of not.

  As predicted, after school is incredibly hot, and since I made the mistake of walking to school, I'm confronted with the misfortunate affliction of walking to work, which usually takes around half an hour. I end up walking alone as usual, because I'm an shy, awkward peanut with no friends. To combat the deafening silence (yes, I know it's not a thing, but it grates on my ears all the same, so fight me). My music's mainly the emo trinity, but who can blame me.

  By the last few minutes, my boots are starting to get hot and sticky which is actually kind of gross. but whatever, it doesn't really matter, I'm close, and the bookstore is air conditioned.

  Except when I get there, I'm forced to conform to social norms, meaning I have to wear the fucking uniform.

  The material's itchy, but hey, no worse than school uniform. I sit down behind the counter and pull up my book. It is a really fucking great book.

 It's a great book, and I have to say, I'm fucking immersed but I've still got a job to do, so I keep looking every time a customer walks in. I mean, it's nothing right? Part of my job. It's not like I'm looking for her. 

  I swear to god I keep looking up every five seconds, and I sure as hell can't concentrate on my book. So hey—big win for me, right? It's whatever. I just can't think and it's not her fault. Man, I don't even know her name. What the actual fuck.

  The door opens and I glance up. Welp, there goes my productivity. I mean, it's not like I'm going to spend the whole time you're here staring at you. That would be creepy.

  Urgh. I so need coffee.

  I wander over, maybe to talk to a workmate, maybe to talk to her. Yeah, probably a workmate. Because I'm so pusillanimous. Yes, big words. Thank you tumblr.

  "Any customers with good tastes?" I ask quietly. I mean, the dude is semi-my friend and I can barely talk to him. Have I mentioned that I'm awkward?

  "Ah, yes, the numerous customers pouring in every second." He laughs. Yeah, keep on laughing, my dude, makes me feel better about my lack of humour.

  "Well, I mean. Either that, or the only customer in here. Did she pick out any good books?"

  "I guess." Liam shrugs, "She picked out the Scythe boom that you like, but you and I both know she isn't going to buy it."

  Yep, she's known for notoriously coming in here every day and never buying anything.

  "Huh. She's in here a lot, isn't she."

  "Yep," Liam shrugs, peering across at the girl. "Yeah, I know her from school. She's in a bunch of my classes."

  "Oh," I pause, "What's her name?"


  Welp, that was easy. 

  I glance over to where Caitlyn was, and realise she's by the door, heading out.

  "Dude, I wonder if she's ever going to buy anything," Liam says, and I can't tell what his expression is.

  I pull out my phone, "Dude we can go now," I grin. "Our shift is over."
  Liam checks his watch, "Oh yeah. I'm gonna stay a bit longer—I'm waiting for someone, so I'll close up."

  I nod, shooting his a smile, "Thanks, I'm actually going to see a movie, y'all should come." Oh shit. He probably thinks coming on to him. Welp, thank god for damage control. "I heard it's hella good."

  Liam shrugs, "Maybe. We'll see."

  I'm out the door before I can finally breathe again. I mean, it's not like I expect Liam to come—that would be awkward. Actually, why the fuck did I invite him? Probably because I don't want to go to another movie alone. Fuck.

The Quiet Ones [g x g]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin