Chapter 8

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I get back a few hours later at 6am, and because I'm an extra bitch, I pair opening the door dramatically with announcing the words, "Honey, I'm home!"

Caitlyn sits up blearily, "Huh?"

I smile, "Well I may or may not have had maybe three hours of sleep. And I stayed out for three hours at McDonalds after that until my phone died. So yeah, fun night."

Caitlyn raised her eyebrows, "Oh wow. Sounds wild."

I give her a small nod, glancing at the room that Erika was probably in.

I squeeze my eyes shut as they begin to burn. They're so sore, and I'm fairly sure it's a direct result of me and my utterly useless sleep schedule.

I say goodbye to Caitlyn and go back to sleep. I could totally kick Erika out now that it's morning, but I really can't be bothered. Plus I'm going to mess things up again like usual.

Purely because I'm terrible at life.

How Slytherin of me.

I end up waking up only a few hours later, mumbling a greeting to Caitlyn, and taking my stash of chocolate into my bundle of blankets and pillows.

I don't feel like dealing with life. All I feel like doing is wearing badass combat boots with knee high socks, being aesthetic, and listening to twenty one pilots.

So that's exactly what I do.

Erika comes in briefly, her cheeks burning with embarrassment when she sees me. She leaves promptly after that, and she doesn't come back into my presence again for the rest of the day.

As I think back on it, I'm not sure if her red cheeks were from anger or embarrassment.

It's not good to dwell on it, though. It's really tiring, and frankly I can't be bothered today.

A sentence to sum up my whole life . . .

It's funny how damn awkward I am when the situation demands nothing of the sort.

Erika finally comes up to me, frowning, "Amelia, there's . . . something."

I look up from my phone in surprise, and my heartbeat speeds up. Aw shit, curse stupid social anxiety.

"I just want you to know that there's no hard feelings." I must look confused, because she adds, "You know, about you being . . . a lesbian."

I swear, I actually snort. This girl. This girl who thinks I care whether or not someone hates me for being queer. My goal is to become ultimate queer, I don't care what other people think.

Erika pretty much drops the subject after that, which is a fucking relief to be honest, except for all those times she gets it into her head to say stupid shit to Caitlyn.

"Hey," Erika walks into the room holding up a picture of Tom Holland. She shows it around the room, "He's hot, right?"

Caitlyn made a little noise at the back of her throat that sounds like a confirmation.

"Oh wait," Erika says, turning to me with a wicked grin, "You're not into that sort of thing, are you?"

I have no idea why I invited her. I forgot about the social anxiety. I thought it would be fine. But now Erika's doing questionable things tm.

"Hm?" Caitlyn asks, looking slightly confused.

"Oh," Erika says. "Haven't you heard? Amelia is a lesbian."

"Yeah I know."

Erika's face fell and she frowned, "Oh." She looked disappointed and . . . Hurt? Why was she hurt? She was actively attempting to hurt me.

I will never understand Erika. I should just go listen to Trench instead of dealing with this shit, shouldn't I? Not sure whom I'm asking, seeing as the only god here is me. Oh, and Dave of course.

Ah Dave.

I take out one of my earphones and leave it dangling, so that when I talk to Erika I can actually hear what she's saying, but also have a crutch.

And I mean, I'm really nervous and I know I'm going to mess up big time, and Erika's gonna hate me, and I also know that it probably won't be that bad and I'm just letting the anxiety get to me and it's so stupid that I'm thinking like this, but now that Caitlyn went out to buy some cheap energy drinks I kind of want to confront Erika on what she did earlier.

Not a great thought but also good for clarification? I think. Wow even my thoughts are one giant tumblr shitpost that's fun.

"Um," I clear my throat in the doorway of Erika's room. I guess I kind of forgot that knocking was an option, but I guess she doesn't mind that much. I mean, she still kind of half smiles when she looks up from her book.

"I just, um. I have a question," I fidget with my hands, barely look at her, can barely get the words out, but it's a fucking start, right?

"Fire away," Erika replies, and damn, even though she sounds a lot more confident than I do I'm kind of getting the same vibe I get from myself. Or maybe I'm just projecting my wishes onto her.

"So um, that Tom Holland thing? I'm just wondering about that, it seemed kind of, um, shady?"

Erika looks down and fidgets with her nails, "Sorry about that, I just wanted to see how close you and Caitlyn are. I kind of ship you, that's all."

Oh great, now I'm being shipped with someone too. If ever I have regretted talking to someone when I had the choice not to, it's probably now. Okay, well, maybe not entirely. She seems . . . Nicer somehow. Maybe it's just because I've got a reason for her actions, and it's quite a reasonable reason.

I smile and offer her chocolate and the left side of my earplugs. From there we end up sitting on the couch side by side and watching Tokyo Ghoul. I get the feeling she's not that into it, so I guess she's just not really into anime? I don't get it, but to each their own, right?

"Okay," I say, turning to face Erika, "So not Tokyo Ghoul, right?"

"Right," She replies dutifully.

"What about Doctor Who? No? Okay fine, Voltron? Oh come on, you don't even know what it is? Pitiful. She-Ra? Fine, why don't you look for something."

Erika pursed her lips, "Sorry dude, I'm just, like, not feeling any of those. A preview started playing of some random show that had been left on mid scroll. "Le Dragon Prince sounds good," Erika smiled hopefully.

"Le Dragon Prince does indeed sound good," I smile. And it feels nice for some reason, maybe just because girls are so lovely and I don't really hang out with girls.

"I have a question," Erika says, pausing The Dragon Prince. "How come we're suddenly friends again? Ever since I came here you avoided me and acted like you hate me and now suddenly . . . ? Did I finally do something right?"

  I grin, "Dude, no. Literally all that happened was you acted open enough that I didn't spiral. So it was down to you just," I shrug, "I don't know. Helping me."

  Erika furrows her brow, "Um, okay." She obviously has more questions, but she doesn't voice them for which I'm grateful. And shitdamn I want to rip my eyes out, because I haven't even mentioned anything about anxiety yet.

  This might just be a long night of worrying my ass off. I don't even know what I'll do when Caitlyn get home now that I know Erika ships me with her.

hi hi hi i have zero self control so here, have a chapter none of you wanted :)

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