Chapter 3

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"Hey. Do you have a book, or did you just come for small talk?" I wince. That sounded so hostile. "I'm fine with either, for the record."

Caitlyn grins and holds up a book, "I talked to Liam, and he said you recommended this book."

It's Looking for Alaska. "Heck yeah I do."

She leans over the counter, "So here's the dealio. It's a great day, but I gotta study. I'm actually in one of the same classes as you, and we have an assessment coming up."

I nod slowly.

She looks up from under her lashes an I swear I almost die. "So I was thinking we study together and go get some food?"

She suddenly seems shy, and looks like she's expecting me to say no.


I lean back on my hands from where I sit, my eyes closed in what feels like bliss. I'm pretty sure it's bliss.

"So, here's another dealio," Caitlyn says, flashing me a smile, "My friends bailed on me, and, well, we were planning on going on a road trip to say goodbye to school." She's saying it quietly now, and we sit in silence, filled with nostalgia.

At least, I know I'm filled with nostalgia. I don't like endings.

"I was just thinking, well, I kind of want to hang out with you more, so, do you want to come on my road trip? Just the two of us."

I hesitate. Just the two of us? I don't know if I can handle that. I'm really awkward. She'll get bored of me. Most of the trip will be spent in silence. I cuss a lot. Does she cuss?

"Ok. Let's do this!"

I sit down on my bed and put my head in my hands. This is a mistake. I'm going to ruin this whole thing. Jesus fuck, Amelia Fern.

And we're leaving on Monday. I only have a day to get ready and get permission from my parents. I am so screwed.

"Hey mum," I pop my head around the corner to where she's arranging the house absently.

"So, there's this girl, and we're going on a road trip together. If I'm allowed, that is."

She narrows her eyes, "Details."

"I've studied with her, it's just the two of us, and we're just travelling through some scenic towns. Oh yeah, and we're leaving on Monday."

"Just you two? No boys?"

I shake my head and smile, "No boys." Oh man, if only she knew.

"You can go, but you'd better get packing."

I breathe out a sigh of relief and run to my room. And I mean run. No kidding, I practically sprinted.

Jeans, skirts, socks (knee high, boiiiii), suspenders, hairbrush, toothbrush, everything else I really need. Oh yeah, phone charger and wallet. Gotta have those.

I only really need my combat boots, so I'm pretty safe. I think I can rest easy for now. Probably. I mean, I have a whole day tomorrow, but I feel like I'm forgetting something.

I shrug and change into my pyjamas. Oh shit, I'm gonna need pyjamas. Oh well, let's hope I remember in the morning.

I'm not going out tonight, I mean, I'm going to have to get some rest, aren't I? I put my laptop and phone on charge and climb into bed.

I'm just drifting off (probably) when my phone buzzes. Oh shit damn, it's Pierce. Oh shit damn we're supposed to be meeting up tomorrow. I'm not going to have much time to pack. No sorry, sir. I am so going to die of stress.

Doesn't matter. All that matters is sleep right now.

"Pierce, I hate you. Let's go to New World." I say, striding forward while Pierce's mouth hangs open.

"Um. What?"

"Dude I'm supposed to be packing for a road trip today, but I already promised to come here with you today."

"Since when?"

"Since yesterday. We literally decided to go yesterday. That's why I'm wearing ankle socks with my skirt. All my knee high socks are sleeping my suit case, like snug little beans waiting to go tomorrow." I say.


"So let's go to New World. I'm hungry."

"Same. You got money?"



"In that case," I say, "We'll split it. How do you feel about croissants?"

"Love 'em. Want 'em. Let's go murder 'em."

"Now that's the kind of quality sentences I like to hear. So is Sam coming or what?" I ask.

"I dunno. Actually, about Sam, you practically told him about Luke on Friday."

I shrug, "What can I say? You guys are cute together."

"Dude." Pierce looks at me, "You realise he's probably straight."

"Gay 'til proven straight is my motto."

We continue walking, right up to New World where we get chips, oreos and croissants. What can I say, it's our tradition to get these foods.

"So," I say, my mouth full of croissant. "Help me draw up a list of topics to talk to her about."

"Ok, first," Pierce says, "Don't talk with your moth full, that's not a sight I want to see. Second, what the fuck? Why do you need a list of topics?"

"I like this girl, ok? And you know how awkward I am with people who aren't you guys!"

"True . . ." Pierce muses. "Ok, how about asking about her weekend, getting to know her, like favourite animals, oh, see if she has any pets . . ."

We continue like this for a while, mainly just chatting and being weird. But seriously, it's so wholesome if I say so myself. And I kind of do, so . . .

"Welp, I gotta go. Keep in touch, though, yeah?" I grin, slinging my bag over my back.

When I get home, I know I should pack, but by this time I honestly can't be bothered. I kind of just want to read . . . I mean, there's no harm in it, right? I can just finish packing later. I mean, that'll happen. It will. I won't procrastinate . . .

A few hours later and I'm totally procrastinating. I'm halfway through rereading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Oh well.

I'm utterly convinced that this is how it's supposed to be in life. Going on a road trip with a cute girl and procrastinating the jobs I need to do by reading. It's a perfect balance and I want it everyday.

I sigh. Girls are great. I see why most guys like girls so much. They're just... ugh. I don't see why girls are into guys. Most of them are gross. If girl's were all into girl's they wouldn't be so disappointed all the time.

Of course, I totally respect other girls' liking for guys. I get that girls are bisexual, and girls are straight. I get that girls can like whoever they want. Actually, I've had a crush on a bisexual girl before. Not that t went anywhere.

Look at me, distracting myself with thoughts of gay. That is peak gay culture, well done Amelia Fern, you are on a fucking roll!

I roll over and check the time and whole fucking shit it's ten I should go brush my teeth and get changed.

I brush my teeth while listening to Panic! at the Disco because Panic! at the Disco and yeah. I dunno. I go kidnap my cat and I don't know what else you want me to say. You want me to have a more interesting life? Dude this road trip is the most interesting thing that has happened to me in a while so-- oh great. Talking to myself inside of my own head.

Dude you know there's something wrong when you're talking to yourself. Inside of your own head. Come on Amelia Fern, what the fuck.

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