Chapter 3

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"ughhhhhhhhhhhh" I groaned before I ran back to my room to get my gear. Everyone else was just arriving to fight Chronos or whatever his name was. And I did not want to go out and fight, but I decided that they probably needed all the help they could get. I quickly got changed into my suit and ran outside to join the fight.

When I ran out, there was this guy who I haven't seen before, so I assume that he is the reason that we came to this time period

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When I ran out, there was this guy who I haven't seen before, so I assume that he is the reason that we came to this time period. This other robotic looking dude was shooting at everyone, so I'm pretty sure that's the guy we are supposed to be fighting.

I tapped the button on my wrist, and my music started playing in my ears (Let Me Live/ Let Me Die by des Rocs). I find it relaxing to listen to badass music while fighting. 

Chronos shot a few shots all around so I closed my eyes and imagined them disappearing and reappearing next to Chronos to hit him and just like that he was stumbling back and hitting Snart, Mick and Sara who were coming back from the bar in a car.  This left Chronos awfully confused, and I let out a little giggle. Stein and Ray took advantage of this moment and ran as fast as they could back to the ship, 

"We go out for one lousy drink, and you guys somehow manage to pick a fight with Boba Fett," Snart said while powering up his gun.

Firestorm and Ray in his suit come flying out of the ship firing there guns and fireblasts all over the place; I'm honestly surprised they didn't hit one of the team.

I just sit back and redirect all of Chronos' shots back onto himself missing one or two of them because they were going so fast. I also received a few odd looks from some of the team members, especially Kendra. that was probably because it looked like I wasn't doing anything, but I knew I was. I end up getting bored of this so I make his gun disappear altogether and I see Aldus being carried off towards the ship. I instantly feel a wave of guilt come over me as I know that it was one of the shots that didn't redirect that ended up hitting the old man.

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