Simple, Boring Comments

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Some people really do want positive feedback, or at least feedback to show you have read and enjoyed the story.

No: Cool. Upload.

Yes: This was great, keep up with the great work -Insert something you liked about the plot/character here- Definitely going to keep reading!

Anyway, that's what I love about the people that comment on my book, they always write interesting comments! Usually it's about who they want the main character, Hope, to date - you see it could have been Gerard one chapter, Ray the other and Steve another, but what they don't know is that I've got a completely different idea. Evil laughter. 

It shows that the reader truly likes your story and didn't just comment because you commented on theirs or something. I especially like it when people ask questions, it gives me a strange sensation when I know that people are actually reading my books! Seriously I'm sure many other writer agree, if you are one to ask for comments or just a little feedback - you'd know it's rather annoying when you get simple comments like 'Loved it - upload.' I admit I must have done that a few times, but if I'm truly interested in your story I will leave you feedback and tell you which bit I enjoyed.

So - I wrote this on my phone - any errors will be blamed on my fat fingers and tiny screen.

Remember... big comments good, small comments bad! (Slight Animal Farm reference there. You know 'four legs good, two legs bad.' or something like that.)

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