Dating Through Wattpad?

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Dating through Wattpad is actually a big thing, I've seen a lot of my followers (especially back in 2012) doing it. Perhaps by 2015 we've all grown out of that?

I mean it's weird, especially when you've never even met the seventy year old pedophile. How do you even know who you're talking to? I sound like my mother right now, but honestly, he could be thirteen and doing it for the lolzz. Or he could be a seventy year old man doing it for the pictures and sex. (Sorry, sorry. Just saying.)

I mean my mum finds it weird I actually talk to people on the internet, she's like: 'How do you know who they are.' Blah, blah, blah. I'm actually really good friends with some people on here and have them on Facebook and I know who they are, obviously not in person. But I'm not going to date ANYONE through here. That's just weird and takes internet dating to a whole new extreme.

Everyone is like 'My boyfriend is on Wattpad, @-blahblahblah-' but do they actually know them? Or is it some random dude that they decided to date. Of course if you really have a relationship through this site go ahead! But proceed with caution. And if he ends up perfectly fine and you get married with three kids you can come back here and say you told me so! But until then, I'm going to think you're pretty fucking stupid. 

Sometimes I wonder whether said person have made a 'fake' account just to claim they have a boyfriend you know, perhaps they wanted to hop on the realtionship bandwagon so much so they made up a boyfriend? I'm not suprised - people on this site are very weird. 

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