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I sport my knife vertically and plunge it deep into his chest. The red thick liquid gushes out of the newly made slash, with a rumbling sound he drops to the ground; motionless, paving way for me.

Accelerating my place I ascend deep into the passage, eyes frantically searching for any new foe but more importantly the secret access door.

The door where lies our salvation and my retaliation.

A loud shrill ring, alarming everyone of the intruder in their territory with malicious intention. Blinking red light emanates from the roof, illuminating everything in dull blood red colour and then to black before lighting again.

Keeping the blood splashed knife back to the belt I dart left and hastily make my way to the elevator.

20 more seconds.

My microphone beep alerting me of my receding time. I'm almost there. The passage looks clear. Just when I'm 30 feet away from the elevator door three armed soldiers appears from the side passage and make their way towards me.

This isn't any good. I have to hurry.

I promptly take out my knife and turn back to veer it towards one soldier. It plunges into his forehead and the next sound I hear is the falling of a lifeless body.

10 seconds. You have to hurry.

Taking my guns out of my gear to shoot him but before I can do anything a bullet land in my shoulder, making me stumble. A deep cry of pain escapes my mouth but this isn't the time to worry for the agonizing pain.

5 seconds. Shoot him and run.

So I raise my chin and shoot him on the head.

3 seconds.

Palming my shoulder I run off towards the door. Sticking the device to the button on the wall, I jerk back in time, watching the spark emanate from it disabling all the commute to this floor.

"Where to now?"

Fifth door from the right.

I continue my run to the perpetual dark corner of the passage. The blinking red lights from behind illuminates a little portion of my surrounding before I get consumed in the loathed dark corner of this building.

I remove the luminant stick from my calf strap and give it a jerk for brightness. Trailing a line of blood dripping from my shoulder I march forward with the dim light in my hand.

Just when I reach to the front of the access room I wave the band on my wrist through the scanner.

Access denied.


I wave it again, this time slowly letting it flit in front of the red laser.

Access denied.

"I can't get access through this door." I huff into the microphone.

Try doing it again, slowly.

"Nothing's working out here. Show me some other way." My voice comes out more annoyed than I intend it to be.

I hear an exasperated sigh on the other end followed by a few clicking of the keyboard before he finally hack their system and gives some codes to me.

A keypad appears as I push the giant red button in with my unsteady hand. Darkness lurk the side of my vision, wavering my focus. The excess blood loss has started showing its aftermath.


"What's after 9?" I subconsciously ask him. with capital T. Hurry up Licy, we're out of time.

I manage to punch those characters on the keypad. The door pushes apart with a chime revealing a fluorescent lit room which enchants with an air of despondency. Shaking my head I jerk the feeling away and make my way in.

Remnants of the past memories sear my mind but I can't shirk now. I'm here to act on our vengeance.

My wobbly feet drag me through the room. I analyze my surrounding with every ounce of strength remaining in my bruised body.

I pass a cubicle and enter a small cabinet decorated with faux promise frames.

A new era of peace.

Pull to preserve humanity.

A fatal end of violent days.

Futura nanotech- the face of peace.

What blatant lies!

Futura nanotech was made for anything but peace and humanity.
I support myself with a handrail on the door of the cabinet to prevent myself from falling as I feel the world around me dancing in a whirlwind. I walk past the cabinet, to the capsules but I stumble and fall face first on the floor.

Licy, are you okay?! Get out of the room. Abort the mission and come back, we'll find some alternate way next time. Come back!

There's no next time. It's either now or never. I put my palms on either side and push myself up, stressing less on my injured hand.

Licy, can you hear me? Answer me, now!

I close my eyes and shake my head to get rid of the excruciating numbness that has already found its way into my system.

A step after another. My hands reach out to walls for support and I push myself off them to get to the capsules.

"I'm here." I groan and say.

Abort the mission and come back!

Passing by each capsule I try to find in them the face I'm searching for. One by one till I find him. Standing in it with all those wires attached to his body. He looks so peaceful and serene. A face so familiar and strange at the same time. Like an old map; easier to pinpoint on paper but the streets tell the real story.

"I found him," I whisper hopefully.



Come back, it's a trap! There's someone in room, other than you. They know you're already in! Get back to us!

Not now.

"You should listen to them, Felicity."


I turn around to face the owner of the monotonous voice. After all these years, he still looks the same. The same amount of evil and mirth still evident in his eyes.

With my half open eyes, I find his other companion, even if I know them I can't call out. Their faces are just blurred images to me now.

"On the ground. NOW!" Someone among them shouts at me.

Before they can say anything more I pull the lever down, letting the convex door open. Just when it's a bit ajar I pass the shrim through it which stick on him. And then he disappears into it in a spiral.

Now it's just my subconsciousness and them.



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