Chapter 9. Execution

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We open the shutter of the U haul and Rick climb down and start walking towards the table outside the café. Ivy and I follow him shortly after and take the seat at the table behind their table such that Gerald’s back would be facing us.

Rick’s phone buzz again and he picks it up. Before he can even say the name I know who it is.

After a few minutes, Gerald walks towards the table, his bodyguards closely following him from behind. Gerald sits on the chair across Rick’s and that’s our signal to get prepare.

A waiter approaches them, Gerald quickly says something and flick his two fingers, indicating him to leave them two alone. Knowing him, he must’ve ordered two black coffee without sugar.

His bodyguards are behind him at a distance which gives the three of them a perfect view of Rick and Gerald but not close enough to hear their conversation. Biointel's work is too secret to let anyone know them, not even there head’s personal bodyguards.

Ivy and I put our mirrored glasses and walk past their table. I drop my phone on the ground just when I’m beside him.

“Oh!” I feign a gasp and bend to retrieve it, knowing full well Gerald will to do it before me. And true to my thoughts, he did it. He bends down before my fingers can touch my phone and offer it to me with a polite smile.

I take my phone from his hands and lightly touch his forearm in gratitude before he can retrieve his hand back. “Thank you so much!” I emphasize my words and move ahead without waiting for his response.

One touch. I’m him.

Ivy and I walk to the area where Gerald's car is parked. His driver is leaning on the trunk, sipping his hot coffee slowly. Ivy approaches him before me.

Just as she's near him, she removes her mirrored glasses. “How about—” her eyes change their shade to purple, “—you drive us to Biointel?”

Dumbfoundedly he nods, dropping his coffee on the ground, he enters the car and starts the engine. I change myself to Gerald and slip into the passenger seat with Ivy.

It will approximately take ten minutes to reach there and ten minutes to return back but with Ivy manipulating him, ten minutes in total will ensure our safe arrival there and he’s safe arrival here. Rick can handle Gerald for ten minutes, bargaining with Gerald to offer him something that’ll stop him from ratting them out to Futura.

He’s already done that but they don’t need to know that.

The driver floor the accelerator and my head hit the backrest. The car speed along the corner of the tall building where our U haul is park with Liam in it, monitoring all of us.

“I don’t care about the plans, if these douche fail to take us there in one piece, I’ll chop him up.“

“Trust me, I’ll make him keep us safe.”

Before I can say anything, car swerve hard right sending me and Ivy to the other side of the car. By now, I’ve forgotten the count of signals we’ve broken.

The car accelerates again and Biointel heaves in my sight. The car gets through the entrance, without any vet and stop at the door to the building. I get down from the car and walk in. Ivy stays in the car and then make him return back to continue our plan.

Within five minutes the car will stand at its previous place and all the memories of our encounter will vanish from his mind. Gerald will be with Rick for another ten minutes and the same time for returning back. This gives us enough time to execute our plan.

The guards let me in without questions and I make my way towards the main door where their prototype is laying. Every corridor I pass by people stops to bow at me and give their ‘hello sirs,' which is more annoying itself.

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