Chapter 4. New Accomplice

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He's sitting right behind that see-through glass door. Head inclined to left, dizzying off in his own little world while we all here are wasting our time, desperately waiting for him to wake up. His need to rest is beyond my understanding. It's only a matter of days for him now, after it he's going to be on our side. The rest of his life or death question will depend on his help.

Thomas, being reckless as ever, bumped Rick's head hard on the wall even before he could take him from Biointel. If it wasn't for Liam, Rick would have been bleeding to death by any roadside.

He stirs a little and begrudgingly opens his eyes in squint before letting them wide open. I expected his first sensation to be of confusion, panic, apprehension, anything but understanding; like he knows where and why he's here.

I barge in the room first, leaving the rest of them outside. Moving across the floor carefully in Orla's annoying sneakers which makes a squeaking sound at every step I take, like walking barefoot over dry autumn leaves. I stand in front of Rick.

He looks up at Orla's presence with a ghost smile.

"You came." It comes out more of a huff than a quite statement. His grey orb roams over my face like it can sense a prevailing danger waiting for him.

I gently reach out to him and touch his forearm with a foreign tenderness. "I had to Rick. For you."

But he just gives a loud laugh which sounds coarse and deep empty rumble at the same time. He tightly clasps the arms of the chair and leans in my face with disgust marring his ichor slick face.

"I know you're not her and I know what her fate had been."

"Very well then," I step past him towards the back wall near the window, the air dense with humid. The view out is somewhat not blunt. Thick lush vegetation surrounding the whole building, marble carved sculptures stand proudly shining in the blazing sun and the sign, the big blue plus standing above all, claiming it's authority above all other things there.

"I haven't slept in days," I make no move of turning back and acknowledging his useless talks, "the subtle realization that you people are aware of the work was preventing me from sleeping."

"And I should make it my concern for―?"

"You think I was just enjoying my sleepless nights for no useful reason? I―us, were prepared for this, always have been."

Plagued with curiosity I turn around to analyze him. Weighing my words I look down at him and say, "You really are willing to go to any extent to help those who did nothing but keep you in minimal light? Using you as a dummy to highlight our wrongs and carrying their vice secret operations in dark, away from the world to suspect. Isn't it pathetic? To keep their own people out of loop?."

Visibly frustrated he runs a hand through his hair, "What secrets are you talking about?"

I slowly walk in front of him and lean towards his chair. Gripping the arms of the chair tightly I spit venom on his face, "why do you think they have intense vet for every door? Retina scan for every accessible person?"

"To keep people like you out!"

I click my tongue. "Even through the operation room?" I lean back and start walking in circle around him, "you mean to keep those bloodshot red eyes hamsters a secret? To keep those porcupine size mice in cages? Don't kid yourself, Rick. You can go around telling people how you work for some moral argument but is it for them or you?

Something in his eyes flickers, I switch my gaze lower to his twitching fingers and I know I have him where I want him to be. Doubtful and vulnerable. So I just continue.

"We've manipulated the doctors who were in the room. By tomorrow Biointel's hands will be full of modification accusations. We've got them on their knees."

And you as well.

"You can convince yourself how your work is for greater good but then again at the end of the day you know you're working for the same stupid prejudice as them. I maybe modified Rick, but I'm honest," I stop behind him and lean in his ears, "can you confirm the same for your people?"

"Orla confirmed they are neutral. She said they don't have any hand on this!"

I give a cynical laugh. "Orla? Or the clone they made for Orla? I used her Rick, but you should also know she was already used before. It was a clone made by Biointel."

He shakes his head in utter disagreement and confusion. "It's not true. You're lying. This can't be true. No. No. This can't happen―"
He keeps on mumbling incoherently. Wording his thoughts of confusion and I choose this exact time to hit the rod.

"You know her better than I, Rick, you know it's true. Now the question is― where your loyalty lies? Towards the so-called vigilante Biointel or your innocent Orla?"

I cock my head and give him one last look before pacing towards the door.

"Wait!" I knew this was coming. "I'll help you."


Yes. It's my exams coming. And have I studied anything? No, I haven't. Have I got over my procrastination? Hell no!

Until next time :P

For now:


(PS: pray for me please)

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