Chapter 7. Rebecca

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I run as fast as I can but it didn’t take long for my lungs to scream in protest. Thinking back I should’ve taken the elevator but the wait for it seems too surreal when, for this matter, time is so precious. I descend the staircase, taking two at once.

Taking an abrupt left turn after the stairs I stumble to the second door. I grip the handle and barge open the door.

Betty was leaning on the wall next to the machine, covered all in blood. Thomas drops the head he’s dispatched from the dummy on the ground and turns to me.

I lower my body and put my hands on knees, supporting myself before my legs give out. My breath comes out in a huff and it takes me a moment to figure that Thomas is now standing right in front of me. I incline my head up and look at him.


“She could’ve died Licy,” he tunnels his hand through his hair. “I can’t believe you allowed that especially knowing the risk you were putting her in. What were you thinking there?”

“ I wasn’t thinking straight. I–“ My legs give out and I drop on the ground. But instead of the cold metal below me, I lay in the arm of Thomas. He’s holding me by my arms.

“Your stamina always go low after your episodes. You should rest. We’ll take care of the rest from here.”

I push him away and drop on my knee, supporting my body on my hands. Huffing I push my body up and take wobbly steps towards unconscious Betty whose now lying on the floor.

Be alive. Don’t be dead…yet. Don’t be dead yet.

Reaching her I check her pulse of the neck. It’s nothing for a moment but then I feel that small bulge. The pulse is faint but it’s there. She moans and writhes in pain.

The door from behind open and I hear fast footsteps reaching me.

“Is she okay?” Liam asks taking a seat beside me and taking her hand to feel her pulse. Feeling the soft pulse of her he nods before directing his gaze to me and frown in apprehension.

“This wasn’t expected from–“

“I know.” I cut him before he can voice the recurring thought of mine. This impulsive action was not of mine. People piss me all the time but I hardly ever get to this point.

I stand up on my weak legs. Ivy supports my arm from behind.

“Let’s get her to safety first.”

Maybe you should let her practice like us. She should know whats and hows of our work if she's going to be our new head, don't you think so?

Did Ivy manipulate me for it? Had I become bait for her?

I watch Liam scoop Betty and leave the room. The thought stays in loop in my mind and though I want to shake it off and blame it on my tiredness I can’t do it. I can’t help but glance Ivy from the corner of my eyes.


The last time I was in my room was before leaving to get our deviant back from Biointel. Now, I’m preparing my gear to head to Biointel. If the information Betty provided us is right, then it’s just not a matter of coming pristine clean. It’s saving our kind.

Biointel, as she told us, has successfully created a mutant in their lab with less perfectionism. If our ambush there gave them an idea for their lacks then it’s a big lapse for us.

Now, it’s time for me to go in to check them for their abilities. Thomas and I, as Paige suggested, will be heading inside the building. Liam and Ivy will take care of the security from outside.

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