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warning: body image issues and mentions of a past emotionally abusive relationship. 


Namjoon didn't get why he did agreed to do the whole 'work out' with Jungkook. He was usually uncomfortable and awkward when it came to exercise. 

His friend Jackson had recently invited him once to a yoga class and well... that ended in a disaster resulting in Jackson having to pay for medical expenses of the other yoga attendees injured from being unfortunate enough to be next to Namjoon's octopus limbs of destruction. The situation still embarrassed him and now he finds himself in some simple looking used gym clothes Jin let him borrow. The older first tried to have Namjoon wear a flimsy tank top that Jin described as "This will show off them cute perky nips!"and tight yoga pants that Namjoon swore were see through that he would have to go "commando to show off that nice package" Jin teased. 

An argument had ensued between the two friends, Namjoon putting his foot down on how he would rather drop dead then show up in public like that and Jin acting fake angry and claiming Namjoon would die alone like a single old lady with pet birds. Jin even challenged Namjoon on why was he meeting up with some freshman playboy. 

"I just want to improve myself Jin! I look gross and should get rid of all of this flab," Namjoon pointed to his stomach, then pulled at the soft skin aggressively. Looking at it with disgust.

Jin pursed his lips, "I think exercise is great but I don't see why you think you look gross? Sure you're not as handsome as me but I would totally fuck you if I didn't see you as a little brother."

"You say that because you're my friend," Namjoon muttered to himself, not wanting to meet the others eyes. 

Jin could only sigh, "When will you see what's most important?"

Alexander poked Namjoon's stomach. When they were dating at first Alexander would poke him and say "Cute little pooch on my cute lil' Joonie baby!" and Namjoon could only blush and smile out of embarrassment, which resulted in Alexander cooing over Namjoon's dimples and kissing those indents with sweet affection.

But that was at the start. A few weeks later Alexander had returned from a photoshoot. Namjoon had finished taking a shower, exiting the bathroom with a gray towel tied lazily around his waist, hair damp and slicked back. Namjoon greeted his boyfriend with a smile and began to approach him for a kiss and hug, as the other always expected upon their arrival. Alexander looked  especially amazing, his blonde hair perfectly side swept and the outfit he wore showed off his muscular definition.

"Alexander! Welcome back!" Namjoon opened his arms but was stopped as Alexander looked at him in a way that made his gut drop. Namjoon can't identify where it all started but criticism would sprinkle in and out of their conversations. Criticisms directed at him and how he messed up, thought wrong, said wrong, gave the wrong look, his tone was wrong, he didn't put enough effort...

"What have you been eating since I've been gone?" said Alexander, as if he was a disappointed parental figure.

"I ate...what I always eat? "

"Really because what I see is my boyfriend getting extremely flabby,"  Alexander's blue eyes pierced into him, "Let me guess you out eating with Jin again? That ramyun shit? What did I tell you last week Namjoon? Jin can get away with it but you cant. And at least your friend has a pretty face. So, I'm going to ask again. What did I tell you Kim Namjoon?"

"That it isn't healthy for me and I should watch my weight," Namjoon stared at the floor like a scolded child, he felt like his eyes might tear up but he knew better not to cry. It made him look like a weak wimp as a guy. He just couldn't stand Alexander's critical gaze. He didn't feel worthy being in front of such a gorgeous man. 

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