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Hoseok didn't like the idea Jimin was hatching to hook up Jungkook and Namjoon. Taehyung was at first reluctant too, but soon went along with it when Jimin kept giving sad puppy eyes and whined about how genius he was for coming up with the idea of "Operation: Namkook".

"I need to leave you two vanillas alone," Hoseok said as he noticed the sexual tension between his two friends was entering boning territory, "And leave me the hell out of this stunt you're trying to pull. Life isn't some romantic teen comedy with a cute ending and soundtrack. These are two real people. And Jungkook is still clueless with how to handle guys."

"Coming from a hypocrite like you Hobi," snorted Taehyung, "Always leaving guys to hang. Jungkook is sheltered but at least he's considerate."

Hoseok could feel his blood rise from the disrespect from the younger, he always knew Taehyung was a bit of a rebellious brat. Sometimes it was charming, sometimes cute and  sometimes even courageous but this wasn't one of those moments.

"Why you little-" Hoseok started tempted to grab the other by the collar.

"Hyung! Please!" Jimin panicked noticing the daggers between the two as he jumped in front of Taehyung knowing well Hoseok wouldn't dare touch him aggressively, "Taehyung apologize now. Please."

Jimin was begging and Taehyung looked reluctant.

"You know what?" Hoseok sighed as if exhausted, "I don't need no damn apology from a child. I'll leave you guys be. Take care Jimin."

Jimin tried to say something else but Hoseok was out the door by then.


Hoseok decided head out to the campus dance studio a bit earlier than scheduled. He could can get an hour practice before the class arrived.

He was in no hurry and decided to take a pathway that was longer and slightly isolated. It gave him time to think a bit on his friendship with his dongsaengs. 

"Hey bitch."

Hoseok stopped in his tracks as he heard the words. Body frozen on the spot. 

It was Jaehyun before him who spoke the words directed to him. Tall, handsome, skinny and rich to boot... and also a terrible lay but Hoseok tried to be nice to the guy since he pitied him.

"What's wrong Hobi?" Sneered Jaehyun, "Finally speechless that I'm calling you out for what you are... That sweet face of yours really knows how to string a guy along."

Hoseok couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Look. Don't talk to me in that way and I owe you nothing like an explanation in return just because we screwed around in a hotel roo-"

It was unexpected when Hoseok felt the sharp sting of Jaehyun's palm across his cheek. The loud smack ringing in his ears and making him feel momentarily dizzy and unbalanced. 

Hoseok's eyes watered up as he felt his skin grow hotter and swell up. He felt stunned but once he understood what had happened he made a fist ready to fight back until he noticed Jaehyun was on the floor curled up in pain as if he had cramps.

"Fuck!" Jaehyun muttered.

"Stay the fuck down you fucker!" Yoongi shouted fists up as if he was in a boxing ring. 

Jaehyun was a head taller than Yoongi and Hoseok felt astonished by his strength, but he suppose Yoongi had the element of surprise on his side.

"Cute," Hoseok whispered to himself when he saw Yoongi kick Jaehyun in the knee.


Hoseok and Yoongi headed to the dance studio together. 

"The refrigerator has a lot of ice," said Hoseok, "You'll likely need it for your knuckles."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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