Chapter 6 - Crash

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The Shadow Hand had just crashed onto the surface of Remnant. Half of the crew was either dead or going to die due to fatal injuries suffered in the crash. Sparks were flying from the broken computers aboard the ship, and pipes and cables were lying about with the bulkheads and debris broken off from the ship. The fires and smoke were just enough to motivate the remaining crew to get up and start putting out the fires. Crane was unconscious on the floor of what was left of the bridge. The windows were broken, the holotable was smashed, and the navigation and communications terminals were completely destroyed. Cross managed to get up along with the remaining bridge officers. He looked over the engineering terminal, which was surprisingly still operational, and saw the extensive damage to the ship.

Cross: "Damn...communications, engines, navigation, and the auxiliary systems are all's a wonder we survived this."

Cross took the moment to look over to his Jedi commander and ran over to him to wake him up. He roughly shook the commander awake.

Cross: "Sir. Sir! We need you up!"

Crane finally woke up and motioned for Cross to stop shaking him.

Crane: "I'm up I'm up! Situation report captain."

Cross: "Not good sir. We've lost all means of escaping wherever we've crashed and we have no way to contact any Republic forces for assistance. There are fires on decks six through four, and decks seven and eight have been completely destroyed in the crash."

Crane: "Well that puts our ventral hangars out of commission..."

Crane: "What about the dorsal hangar?"

Cross: "So far it's okay. However if we don't get those fires under control, it will spread from deck four up into the fuel lines and render the ship inert."

Crane: "Well if it reaches the fuel lines it's going to render US inert. How many fire control teams do we have left?"

Cross: "Three sir."

Crane: "Good. Have teams one and two push back the fires on deck four. Have team three try and reduce the fire on deck six. With any luck, we can box in the fire and put it out. Also, have whatever's left of our engineers try and repair the fire control systems."

Cross: "No can do sir. Our auxiliary systems were knocked out during the crash, which includes the fire control systems along with life support and basic ship functions."

Crane simply pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Crane: "So I'm guessing that puts the lifts out of commission?"

Cross just stood there, not wanting to add on any more bad news.

Crane: "Very well. In that case, get the engineers to open up some of the deck plating on the top of the ship. Hopefully that will dispense some of the fire. And also, get a squad out and secure the perimeter. Force knows what inhospitable rock we've landed on. Capture anyone they see and bring them to me."

Cross saluted and began to do his work. Crane started helping some of the injured crew onto their feet and checked the unconscious clones for a pulse.

Crane: "Sorry Master Windu...looks like you're on your own..."

Timeskip - Crash Site

Qrow was cautiously looming in the trench...or rather small canyon that the falling object had made. Small fires and debris were apparent in the wake of what appeared to be a space ship of some sort.

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