Chapter 11 - Time To Explain

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

The elevator that Glynda, Crane, Qrow, Crimson, and Cross were in finally reached the top floor of the tower. The doors open with a ding from the elevator, and they walked out into a room with glass windows and clocks and gears of sorts chiming around them. A man with white hair and a green coat sat in a chair behind a desk which also had clocks and gears in it. The man took a sip from a white mug before setting it on his desk.

Ozpin: "Hello there."

Crane: "Greetings. You must be Headmaster Ozpin?"

Ozpin smiled lightly at the three newcomers while Glynda stood to the right of Ozpin's desk and Qrow leaned against a pillar near the elevators to the right of the three men.

Ozpin: "Yes, that would be me. Welcome to Beacon Academy...or should I say welcome to Remnant?"
Crane chuckled at Ozpin's perceptiveness and crossed his arms over his chest.

Crane: "You could say that."

Ozpin: "I must give you my thanks for returning my colleague home..."

Ozpin hesitated for a moment before Crane picked up on his uneasiness.

Crane: "But if I were to guess, you'd expect this deed to come with a price."

Ozpin nodded in confirmation of Crane's theory.

Crane: "Well. It's not so much of a "price" as it is information. We simply want to know more about this place and see if it's possible for us to return to the war."

Glynda, Ozpin, and even Qrow gained surprised looks on their faces.

Qrow: "War? I haven't heard about any war here."

Cross: "That's because it's not here, wise-guy."

Glynda: "I like that one already..."

Crimson: "...yet."

Glynda, Ozpin, and Qrow looked at Crimson with unnerve and fear.

Crane: "You mean you haven't heard...?"

Ozpin: "I'm afraid I can't say that we have."

Crane simply sighed and Crimson began to look around Ozpin's office with Qrow eyeing him carefully.

Crane: "You might want to get anyone important to come here if they can...this is something that will take a bit of explaining."

Timeskip - Emerald Forest

Ruby, Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Gizmo finally managed to regroup with their fellow allies. Yang, Blake, as well as the ginger-haired girl and black-haired boy from initiation. Their names were Nora and Ren. The group had just acquired their relics and were on their way back up to Beacon Academy after fighting a few hordes of Grimm and Ruby decapitating a Nevermore. Gizmo was unsure if he should remain with the group now. Frankly, the kids scared him. He wasn't sure if he should like them or shoot them all on the spot. It's not often Gizmo gets to meet a group of eight bloodthirsty teenagers who fight like Jedi and kill like rancors. Nora was probably the scariest of the bunch. She seemed to have a unlimited amount of energy and was constantly tugging and nagging at the poor Clone.

Nora: "Where'd you get that armor huh? Where'd you get it? Tell me tell me tell me!"

Gizmo: "Please stop..."

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