Chapter 55 - Sister

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Italic Font - Thoughts

Brother? While it wasn't common for Jedi to have siblings while in the Order, it also wasn't unheard of. That being it possible Crane had a sister no one knew about? Did he even know about it? After a moment of confusion and shock, Yang and Cross asked the most important questions at the moment.

Yang: " What's...his name?"

She asked that question hesitantly, as if only asking to confirm if her suspicion was true.

???: "I think he goes by Crane nowadays. I last spoke to him about five years ago."

Cross: "And, who might you be...General...?"

Sinalla: "General Sinalla. Currently myself and the 101st Hazard Battalion were assigned to quarantine this planet. It's been declared an off-limits zone by the Supreme Chancellor and the Jedi Council. And because of that, the first reason we're here is to recall the 204th and my brother back to Coruscant."

Yang/Cross: "What?!"

Sinalla frowned slightly at this next piece of information.

Sinalla: "And we arrived here, we received a call from Coruscant that told nearly the entire Republic fleet to head back...Coruscant is under attack."

Cross: "W-wha?...When? How did-"

Sinalla: "We don't know. Grievous and a fleet of one thousand eight hundred ships dropped out of hyperspace right on top of the Coruscant Defense Fleet. The orbital defenses were completely decimated. Now...we need to leave and return to the fight, this instant."

Yang stepped forward in panic. Her only current connection to Crane was about to be severed. Of course she wanted to help Cross and find out more about Sinalla, but could she really forget about Ruby?

Yang: "Wait! Crane isn't here, we have to go find him if you need him to help you. My sister and my friends are with them."

Cross: "She's right, and six of my men are still with them."

Cross hesitated as he remembered that those six men were the LAST men. Sinalla sensed his hesitation.

Sinalla: "Problem captain?"

Cross: "W-well, it's just...we're...all that's left."

Sinalla raised her brow in confusion and surprise.

Sinalla: "I'm sorry, what?"

Cross: "Yeah, we were attacked by a Separatist ship in orbit. We crashed here a second time and the remaining three hundred of us were wiped out by the local wildlife. Crane, myself, and the six men I mentioned are all that's left."

Sinalla moved her blue eyes to take in the scenery around her. While she wished she could find her younger brother and check up on him, she had more pressing matters to attend to.

Sinalla: " that case, we're just going to have to take you with us alone. As I said, we need to assist in the defense of the capital."

Cross: "Without Crane? Are you serious?"

Yang: " don't even want to look for him?"

The blonde Jedi curiously looked over to Yang. Sadness was evident in her eyes. She couldn't believe Sinalla was just going to toss Crane aside. Seeing a sibling treat another that way hurt Yang, especially because she's had to go her whole life looking out for Ruby. Sinalla sighed and tried to ease her conscious.

Sinalla: "I do...but, I can't let my personal feelings get in the way of doing my job. However..."

Sinalla had a brilliant idea. However, it probably wasn't going to be an easy choice for Yang.

Sinalla: "You are welcome to join us. Judging from your attire and the fact that you associate yourself with military personnel, I'd assume you're no stranger to violence."

Yang: "What part of "we need to find my sister" did you not understand?"

After Yang aggressively lashed out, Sinalla didn't change her attitude, nor her offer.

Sinalla: " offer still stands."

Yang: "I...I..."

Cross put a reassuring hand on her left shoulder.

Cross: "If I know Crane, he'll keep Ruby and the others safe. I can't make you choose, but I have to go with Sinalla. Otherwise, I'd be abandoning my honor and the oath I swore to defend the Republic. Right now, it needs me more than ever. But, I also know that Ruby needs you more than ever, too. I respect whatever choice you make."

Yang stared at her reflection in Cross' visor. So many thoughts raced through her head and emotions through her heart. Looking down at the floor, she contemplated her decision. After a brief moment, she decided.

Yang: "I...I'll go with you."

Sinalla smiled in approval and tapped her wrist communicator.

Sinalla: "Sinalla to Reliant, we're on our way back up. Go to battle stations and prepare to jump back to Coruscant as soon as we're aboard."

The voice of a Clone responded from the communicator.

Clone: "Yes General."

Timeskip - Star Destroyer Reliant

Yang had never actually been aboard a Republic ship before. Even when the Shadow Hand was still alive, the opportunity to explore it or talk about it with Crane never presented itself. Unlike the Shadow Hand which was an Acclamator class ship, the Reliant is a Venator which is significantly larger. From what she was currently observing with her eyes, she couldn't imagine what Crane had to go through on a day to day basis, or any of the other Clones for that matter. Squads were rushing down the hallways in formation with the bright red alert lights of the walls reflecting off of their black and yellow armor. Yelling and various pep-talk could be heard echoing throughout the ship. Cross, Sinalla, and the two Clones that accompanied them back up to the ship were walking through the battle procedures on their way to the bridge. Yang was nervous, which seemed to be cliche for her this time around. This wasn't going to be like fighting Grimm. The things these people go through are more chaotic than any Grimm attack would be. They're trained killers, trained to fight the same. Trained to fight things that are relentless, merciless, and organized. Not even her first day starting a new school could compare to this. They eventually reached the bridge and entered the operations room which consisted of two small openings in the sides of the walls and a hologram table separating them. Various Clones in uniform were manning specific consoles that were lined up against the gaps. A few of them glanced over at Yang with confused and curious looks before swiftly returning to their work. The group took position around the table.

Sinalla: "Here's what we know so far. The last communication sent out from command was that Grievous...has captured the Chancellor. The Open Circle Fleet along with the 501st and 212th have just been recalled back to Coruscant to assist in the fight. We've sent a transmission back indicating that the 101st and 204th will be joining as well. The current plan is that we clear the way for Generals Skywalker and Kenobi so they can board Grievous' ship and rescue Chancellor Palpatine. After that, we mop up the mess. Any questions?"

Yang: "Questions?...Of course I've got questions...too many..."

After a moment of silence, Sinalla nodded confidently and turned around to face the triangular windows of the bridge. She turned over to an officer in one of the small control stations positioned in the floor of the bridge and gave the order.

Sinalla: "Helm...take us home."

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