Chapter 9 - On The Way

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

Qrow was standing on board one of the few remaining gunships that survived the crash along with four other men, which included Crane, Cross, Gizmo, and Crimson. Crimson and Gizmo were facing the right side of the gunship with the blast doors opened. Crimson was sitting down toward the middle of the doorway and Gizmo was in the forward section toward the cockpit, hanging onto a metal bar by the doorway to stay balanced. Qrow was standing on the left side of the gunship in around the same spot as Gizmo. Cross was standing to Qrow's left holding onto one of the handlebars in the roof of the ship while Crane was just sitting down in the back meditating. Qrow decided to break the uneasy silence by attempting small talk with these strangers.

Qrow: "Ssoooo....I take it you're not from Remnant?"

Cross didn't even turn his head and responded with an uninterested sound effect.

Cross: "Hmph."

Qrow: "Geeze, someone's grumpy..."

Qrow: "Fine, don't answer the way, what's your friend back there doing?"

Qrow pointed at Crane sitting down at the back of the ship. Cross didn't even bother responding this time, so Gizmo decided to speak.

Gizmo: "He's meditating...I think. He says it helps him clear his head and plan his strategies."

Crimson: "Seems like it makes him fight better too. There isn't a battle we've lost with him by our side."

Qrow was slightly confused by the chain of command with these new arrivals.

Qrow: "Wait...he's the highest ranking one of you, right?"

Crimson: "That's right."

Qrow scratched the back of his head and continued his questions.

Qrow: "Then wouldn't the commander be on the back of the lines ordering you around?"

Cross then spoke up in a threatening tone of voice and turned his head to face Qrow.

Cross: "Are you calling our leader a coward?"

Qrow shot up his hands in front of him and tried to calm Cross down.

Qrow: "No need to get all hot under that helmet soldier. I was just trying to figure out how your leadership structure works. Here on Remnant, we usually keep our high ranking officials behind the front lines in a more safe and secure location."

Cross: "Well our commander isn't afraid to get his hands dirty."

Crimson: "He's even taught us a few things about combat, and we were literally born for it."

Qrow gave Crimson a confused look and squinted his eyes.

Qrow: "Wait..."literally born for it?" What's that supposed to mean?"

Crimson: "Uuuh...I...I'll let Crane explain that when we get to...where exactly are we going?"

Qrow: "We're going to Beacon Academy. It's a place where we can finally figure out more about all of this madness going on. It's also safer than your crashed spaceship back in the desert."

Cross: "I'd feel "safer" if you didn't have your buddies out there about to shoot us down."

Qrow: "Relax tough guy, they're not here to fight us. They're just here to escort us in case shit hits the fan on the way to Beacon."

Gizmo: "That's a relief...I'd hate to see them get shot down. I guess you could say, we aren't someone you'd like to...."cross?"....Eh? Eh?"

Everyone stared at Gizmo with deadpan expressions. Even Crane came out of meditation and pinched the bridge of his nose at Gizmo's horrible pun.

Crimson: "Do not make me throw you off of this ship."

Gizmo turned and quickly looked at Crimson in fear.

Gizmo: "You wouldn't dare..."

Crimson quickly got up and shoved Gizmo off the right side of the gunship, much to everyone's surprise.

Gizmo: "AAAAAAAAAaahhhhhhhh!"

The last thing heard from Gizmo was his yell getting quiet and some trees and bushes rustling where he landed. A few birds also flew up from the treeline.

Crimson: "Hehehe...I guess you could say...he's the scare Qrow of that forest. Eh? Eeehhh?"

Outraged, Cross stood in front of Crimson to berate him.

Cross: "Did you really just do that?!"

Crimson: "Yes. Relax sir, we're close enough to the ground where he'll live. And we can track him too. He's smart enough to find his way back to us."

Cross sighed and facepalmed in annoyance, and then walked back over to Qrow.

Cross: "You're next if you keep it up."

Crimson straightened his posture and saluted Cross before returning to his seat.

Crimson: "Sir, yes sir! Sorry sir!"

Crane: "Oooohh...This is gonna be one of those days isn't it..."

A voice was then heard over the intercom of the gunship as the pilot spoke.

Pilot: "Sir, we're approaching our destination. The escort ships have given us permission to land, and we've been contacted by someone named Professor Goodwitch. We've been ordered to land at a platform just outside of what appears to be a school of sorts. Shall I proceed sir?"

Crane got off the floor of the gunship responded to the pilot.

Crane: "Acknowledge their orders and proceed to where they tell us to go. Try and forget most of Republic protocol for now, as I'm sure they're not familiar with it."

Pilot: "Sir, yes sir. Making our descent now."

The gunship descended toward the platform and the ships from Atlas veered off from the Republic ship.

Timeskip - Emerald Forest

Gizmo had just gotten out of his daze from when he landed. He had hit several trees and then landed on a pile of rocks and bushes. He shook is head and then started rubbing his back.

Gizmo: "He...he really pushed me out. I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"

He sat in silence for a minute or so before finally deciding his next course of action.

Gizmo: "Okay...stay calm, stay calm. Just gotta find a way to regroup with the others. Hey! I can use my commlink!"

Gizmo looked to his right wrist with an excited look that soon changed to one of disappointment and fear. The communications device attached to his armor was broken, most likely on one of the tree branches or rocks he hit on the way down.


The bushes near Gizmo started to rustle a little bit and he decided to pick up his DC-15A blaster off the ground and point at the bushes.

Gizmo: "That's...unsettling...the hell is that?"

The bushes began to move and shake more, making Gizmo exponentially nervous.

Gizmo: "M-maybe it's just one of the friendly animals...?"

Two red eyes began to glow from the bush. Suddenly a large, black, wolf-like animal with white vein-like armor and red stripes on it began to charge at Gizmo.

Gizmo: "NOPE!"

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