Power, power, and stuff that sounds similar to Power (edited)

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Greyson hadn't slept in days. 

He drummed his foot against the floor, peering into the mirror situated atop the front desk in the police department. He gazed at his disorientating reflection, picking at his cuticles as he observed the fatigued expression that had replaced his normal cheerful features.

His eyes were dull and decolorized; as if someone had taken a magic vacuum cleaner of some sort and sucked all the life out of them. The mound of feathery crimson hair that stuck out of his scalp at weird angles was flopped to one side, possessing a texture that at first touch felt like tangly straw.

Greyson distinctly heard the sound of a ringing bell and he turned his head sluggishly to observe the quiet chiming object.

Neasa smiled at him, her eyes mirroring his own.

"Hi! Is there anything I can help you with today?"

A chirpy police officer sidled up to the front desk.

Greyson opened his mouth, but words had become a conundrum to him, and they refused to form on his tongue and slip out from between his lips with ease as they'd used to.

"There's been a disturbance," Gyoko explained, brushing his pale purple hair behind his ears. He was the only one who was not disturbed by Rina's disappearance. In fact, he'd recovered quite well from the ordeal. The gash in his head had healed over incredibly fast, and he no longer struggled to form coherent sentences.

"Are you referring to the attack in Juery? We are sorry to inform you that there were quite a few casualties. If one of your family or friends-"

"We know there was an attack in Juery. We were there," Gyoko interrupted hurriedly. "We're just here for a request. During the counterattack, can you try and find-"

The police officer held up her hand, signaling for Gyoko to stop. She was shaking her head sadly.

"There will be no counterattack. The incident in Juery was simply a misunderstanding. The King and his court were not behind the attack, and we have been told it was simply a gang of rebels."

"Bullshit! We saw General Anika there! She took one of our friends!" Greyson snapped, his vision blurred by the anger that was boiling inside of him.

"The top general of the Mukysho would not have been sent on such a trivial task that had no significant purpose," the police officer said, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"We're witnesses! You have to listen to us!" Greyson yelled frantically.

"There were many other witnesses that have testified and they have all said that there were no soldiers, only poor Mukysho civilians who had managed to get their hands on some rather deathly weapons. General Anika was not spotted anywhere near the site of conflict. This incident was far more likely to be a terrorist attack that was aimed to instill fear rather than a call for war."

"She came for me," Gyoko muttered under his breath, so quietly that one could barely distinguish the words from the silent buzzing of air.

The police officer stared at him with a blank expression. Her eyebrows had risen so high up her forehead It looked as if they were trying to escape from her face.

"Yeah. I'm sure that's what happened," she said, picking up her coffee mug and draining more than half of it in one gulp. It seemed that her patience had run out. "Look, I've been dealing with this kind of shit since 6 in the morning, and if you have nothing useful or sensible to say then please go away. Please. So I can have my lunch and live like a decent being."

"But we're telling the truth!" Greyson yelled, slamming his fist against the hard wood of the desk. 

"That's what they all say. If you want me to listen to you then you're gonna have to come up with a lie that actually makes sense."

"Come on, Greyson. We should get going," Neasa whispered, glancing at him imploringly.

Greyson looked as if he were about to argue in protest but quickly changed his mind. He shook out his hair, tendrils of the fiery color flying through the air.

"Yeah. Let's go," he muttered, pushing open the glass doors and stepping into the town square. The blinding afternoon light hit him full in the face, leaking into his eyelids and warming his frigid skin.

"Another day, another police station," Gyoko said with a sigh. It was true. Over the past month, they'd visited city after city, searching for someone, anyone, who would listen to their imploring demands.

Greyson nodded halfheartedly, staring at the looming towers and silken cells that protruded out of the ground. Ayrun was the capital of Anmyt, a golden land where the ground was blanketed in a sheet of marble and trees made entirely of crystals adorned the streets. Towers that defied gravity scraped the skies, cut in odd, geometrical shapes that were sharp to the touch.

Can't think of a proper ending let me live I'm actually proud of my editing skills and I think I'll be able to turn this pile of dog shit into something actually readable 

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