Untitled Part 12

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Queen Amritza of the Siphoys was not happy.

"How could I have been so stupid?" she repeated to herself over and over again, staring into the distance with a face devoid of emotion.

Her advisor cleared his throat, straightening his wig hurriedly as he struggled to find words appropriate for such an occasion.

Finally, he spoke, his voice breathy and hesitant.

"Forgive me, your majesty, but the Mukysho do not know yet-"

"They do not know yet!" Queen Amrizta screeched, her hands balling into fists, the pale white of her bones peeking through from inside the cage of her caramel skin.

"It is not too late. There is still time," the advisor, a balding Siphoy descended from many generations of wealthy nobles, assured her.

"Oh Vishal, I'm afraid we don't have nearly as much time as you believe us to."

"The Mukysho do not yet know of the weapon they have wrongfully taken from us. We can confer with the other courts-"

The advisors pleading suggestion was interrupted once more by a shout from the Queen.

"The Midnight Court and the Lunar Court have been trying to seize power from me for years. If they know that I have lost our high ground, if they so much as suspect it, the Celestial Court will be done for."

A twisted smile coiled itself across the advisor's lips, and he twined his fingers together in anticipation.

"But your majesty, what should you put first? Your throne, or your people?"

* * *

"I think I know how to get Rina back."

Greyson buried himself further into the pile of blankets that were nestled atop his couch, barely able to hear the sound of Gyoko's course voice.

"And I know you're wrong," he said with a sniff.

"Then what do you propose?"

"I propose that we binge eat comfort food and mope around Neasa's house until she kicks us out or until Yunu comes back."

"But...how well that help with Rina?"

"Gyoko, I don't think getting ourselves killed is going to help get Rina back."

"But we have to do something. I know a-"

bloody hell I barely remember the plot of this story but if anyone has any plot suggestions please pm me because I did have a plan in mind while writing this but it was quite a shit plan so I'm gonna change it but I don't know what to change it to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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