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Svanhidlra- this specie of mythic humanoid is a sub species of the Cynesig's. They have horns, decorative wings, and each a different type of animal tail. They do not have a specific empire, but instead live in small tribes

Cynesig- this specie of mythic humanoids have animal wings and oddly colored skin. They live in an empire called Anmyt. 

Siphoy- The Siphoys possess magic,  and have blunt features, flat noses and square jaws. Their skin is that of the average human hue, and they live  in the kingdom of Pcaithi.

Wloydek- The Wloydek are very intelligent creatures and live in the kingdom of Ojlavai.

Mukysho- The Mukysho are a race of mythic humanoid that looks suspiciously like humans, but are incredibly competitive and possess dark magic. They live in the kingdom of Solavur.

Pirvatha- The Pirvatha are very peaceful, and their skin is a pale ivory and their eyes are electric blue with no whites. They live in Thygernan.

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