Chapter Two

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I had woken up when I felt someone gently shaking me around followed by a hand poking my forehead—which was very annoying.

"Move your finger or I'll bite it off," I said with a groan as I tossed and turned in the spring board bed. 

"Turn off your alarm," a voice complained.

"My alarm?" I questioned with a yawn.

Momentarily opening my eyes, I saw Levi. His bare chest was inches from my face. Glancing down, I caught the sight of his thin pair of plaid pajamas.


Lifting my head to meet eye contact, I rubbed my hand over my head itching my nose with it. My feet swung over the bed still mentally absent from reality.

"Why do you have an alarm set this late? It's almost eleven."

Then it clicked.

"SHIT." Pushing Levi out of the way, I grabbed my phone to look at the time. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's 10:55pm."

Just as I was about to sprint out the door, I realized my shoes were missing. My lovely dirt covered vans just magically vanished while I was sleeping.

"Where the fuck are my shoes?" I shouted while throwing clothes all around searching for them. I kinda just ruined Levi's work of cleaning our room, but he watched amused like I was some clown at a circus.

"When I came back to the dorm, you were knocked out." He still seemed calm even as I panicked. "I took off your shoes because it's honestly gross to have them on your bed."

"Where'd you put them?!" My fingers desperately wanted to choke the fuck out of him. Not the kinky kind; the kind where the victim stops breathing. Ya know? Murder? A crime? Of course.

"Jeez, stop yelling, brat."

"Stop taking off people's shoes in their sleep!" I argued back. Bending down, I found them underneath my bed untied. 

Sitting on my butt, I slipped them on without another word. As I began tying my shoes, Levi continued to talk stepping closer. He's a few inches taller than me so it was like I was cowering beneath him. "Where are you going this late?"

"Out with friends," I said once I finished tying my left shoe.


"None of your business."

"Actually it is. What if you get murdered, mugged, or get drunk and get lost."

I had finally finished tying both only to look at him with a really? expression. "I won't get drunk."

Grabbing my phone, I reached for the knob.

"Eren, it's late. And I care about your safet—"

"I have to leave now, they're waiting."

"Who's waiting?!"

A chill coursed through my blood when I felt his fingers grip my waist from behind me. His chest pressed against my back tightly while his hands wrapping around me taking me away from reality. With his chin resting on my shoulder, I could feel his groin against my ass.

The breath in his words touched my ear when he whispered, "Stay."


I was seconds away from getting a boner.

Pushing him off me, I shut the door on him before he started something I wouldn't be able to stop. I could literally feel all the lovely horny blood cells rushing to my penis making me hard. 

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