Chapter Five

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Tear soaked pillows and tissues were all that laid beside me that night. Not even the thoughts in my head bothered coming out of the dark to torture me. They always say never trust everyone because even your shadow leaves you in the dark.

Seeing the empty bed next to me only made the sorrow grow it's roots deeper within my skin. Wrapping around muscles and squeezing blood vessels was all it knew what to do. 

With tired eyes and twig legs, I managed to get on my feet after a few hours of moping. The room was empty like before and the sky was painted black. 

That faint image of my silhouette stared back in the mirror. It held a knife to my throat begging to let go. That's a demon for ya. My feet as heavy as rocks slide across the carpet floor towards the door. Opening it, the hallway glowed dimly with the lights. I saw the light on underneath Armin's door and headed to knock.

I didn't even bother lifting a finger so I kicked the bottom of the door lightly. And in seconds, it had creaked open to reveal a drunk Armin.

"Yo," he said. "What's up?"

"Can I have a bottle?"

His grin grew only to fade once he laid eyes on my face. Not even the faintest view of happiness was sitting on my face.

"You good?" I watched as his eyebrows skewed in worry. 

"Just give me some alcohol." I had no intentions of staying to explain. After all, he doesn't know I'm gay. The only people who know are Mikasa and the boy I kissed.

In seconds, he did as I asked him too. Armin never sees me like this. No one really has ever seen me like this. Because it's honestly not that hard to hold a happy facade. And saying you're okay is better than listing all the reasons you're not.

Tonight, the only thing I need with me is the bottle of hard liquor I was holding. Throwing the cap of the ground, the first sip felt as if someone lit a fire in my mouth. The warmth sliding down my throat was the only thing to calm me. The burning sensation was as thrilling as going on a roller coaster. 

The low lighting in the corridor made walking even harder. The alcohol hadn't hit yet, but the numbness of heartbreak climbed it's way out of my heart and into the rest of my body. 

My feet led me to the lobby finally letting me throw myself onto the couch. The smell was revolting, but it was better than the bed where Levi and I shared our lips. Every time a thought replayed, I'd take another sip. One sip turned to two, which turned to three, which turned to eight. 

By the time an hour went by, the bottle was empty. Similar to that of my mind. My brain froze like a static television when the sound of the lobby doors were opened. Brining the dark night into the inside held two figures. Yet with drunk vision, all I had seen was a mash of purple and black blobs.

"Levi...?" I held the bottle up only to have it drop onto the floor. Jumping from the glass shattering, my back arched up to see if it was actually him. 

"Jesus, are you trying to kill me?" A voice replied. The scent of men's cologne flew through the air catching me off guard.

"Levi...?" I completely disregarded what the figure had said. I needed to know if who this person was was the person I wanted it to be. 

"No," was all the man said. My face fell back onto the sofa only to have me hear him say another thing. "It's Jean. Who am I talking to? Why're you sleeping in the lobby?"

"Eren and I'm not...sleeping," I replied pointlessly insulted. "I drank."

"Well why?" The sound of him letting out a sigh reminded me of Levi's soft grunts as we kissed with no care in the world. 

"Because I mizz heem," said myself, drunk.

"Miss him? Miss who?"

"Wevi Axermen."

"Wevi Axermen?"

"Wevi Axermen."

"Levi Ackerman?"

"Wevi Axerman."

"Levi Ackerman. Got it. Why do you miss him? If you miss him so goddamn badly just join him in your dorm room. Don't be a dumb bitch."

"But I caaan't," I rolled on my feet trying my best to avoid stepping on the glass that I had just broken. 

"Why." He spoke sharply. 

"I kithed heem."

"Kissed him?"

"Yesssss. And now, he—ugh," I paused. "I'm too frustrated to even talk about it."

He let out a short laugh followed by the words, "You didn't struggle while saying that, Eren. But also, you'"

"I'm straight as a wet noodle."

"But wet noodles aren't—oh. So yes, you are a gay."

Stumbling to my feet, I jabbed my finger in between his chest. "And do you have a problem with that buddy?"

He let out a laugh like he didn't even hear a single word that I had said. The glare printed within his eyes screamed disgust. I knew I shouldn't have said anything when this person walked in. Even if I had thought it was Levi, I should've kept to my fucking self.

It felt as if I was trapped in a box unable to move and unable to even speak. Jean didn't even look like Jean anymore. It was just a mess of colors and darkness.

That is, until the feelings of a hand sliding near my low back brought me back to the world. Their touch made my body feel like silk. Ever so softly, their fingers traced down to my butt only to grab it fiercely.

"J-Jean...?" My voice hiccuped due to the shock raining down on my drunk self. 

"Just let it happen," the whisper of his words tickled my ears when his lips caressed them.

"Are you...?" I couldn't even finish my sentence. He'd already made it down to waist with his other hand. The growing attachment to join in was overpowering.

And just like that, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips on his. Our tongues did the rest. He pulled back only to print a few hickies across my neck. The tickling sensation almost brought me to my knees begging for more.

"Upstairs, my room?"

"Hell yes."

And so my drunk self scrambled up the stairs following behind Jean.

If I don't get over Levi, then I won't get through life.

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