Chapter Three

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I couldn't even tell you if I remembered anything from the night before. The only thing on my mind really was how my alarm clock wouldn't shut the fuck up and how Levi wasn't in the room.

My body rolled over on it's side staring at the bed adjacent to mine.

His side of the room was still always cleaner. That's pretty much the only thing I was jealous about. Because honestly, this man literally has like two friends and doesn't know how to get wasted.

But speaking of wasted, don't you just love waking up from a blackout?

I let out a groan once I heard a knock at my door. I was already so comfy in my bed all curled up in a ball of warmth and this stranger has the audacity to fuck it up for me.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I moved like a zombie to the door.

Opening it, I saw the small envious cutie: Petra.

"Yo," I said tiredly as the weights on my eyelids became heavier.

She smiled ever so slightly before peeking over my shoulder to look in the room. Her hair was tied back in this low bun and she was dressed in skinny jeans with a floral top.

"Hey Eren!" On the balls of her feet, she continued to scan the room like I was invisible. She ended with a small wave before saying, "Is Levi in there?"

"Why?" I remember yesterday morning Levi told me they went out on a date.

Rocking back and forth on her feet, she went, "Oh um...I was just gonna walk with him to class." She paused for a second. "But it seems like he...isn't here."

Looking over my own shoulder to show I at least cared, I nodded my head and went, "Nope. He ain't here."

The window at the end of the corridor lit up the hall. As a college student, any time before noon is too early for me. I didn't even check the time when I woke up. I honestly didn't even feel like going to class today because the hangover started to kick in overdrive.

It was like someone was squeezing my brain with a hydraulic press. Not so much of a feeling I'm fond of.

I watched as she rummaged through her little brown purse she had. The zipper had these little tassels and a heart-shaped key chain.

After about a few seconds, she pulled out this small piece of paper. Offering it up to me, I grabbed it only to say, "What's this?"

With a sigh, she said, "I had a feeling he wouldn't be here so I wrote out our plans for today on this paper. He's never answers his phone too." I kinda blanked out as she told me every detail of what her—I believe—date with Levi. Something about going to the beach then a restaurant they made a reservation for. "So Eren. Can you make sure he reads that."

I nodded once before making a one-eighty turn on my heel and slouching back into the comfort of my dorm.

Then again, I heard Petra's little squeaky voice. I saw her head peeking in through the doorway just before I had closed it on her.

"Yes?" I had a rather annoyed tone. I just wanted to sleep, skip class, avoid human interaction, and get rid of this damn hangover.

" you mind if I stay here until he gets back?" Her fingers fidgeted with the many tassels attached to her bag. Even if she wasn't trying, she can be so darn cute at times. 

No hetero though. I'm teasing.

"Sure, but I'm going back to sleep." My words were pretty much a jumble because I said it so fast. Throwing myself back into the warmth of my bed, I snuggled underneath the covers with my back facing Levi's girl.

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