Chapter Six

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This dream felt like a poison, but I knew damn well this would be fun. 

The silhouette of Jean rushing up the stairs holding my hand.

The sinful energy roaming through the air.

The need to be loved by someone.

"Jean," I whispered making sure the dorm couldn't hear. "Where exactly are we going? Aren't we going to your room?"

The darkness glowing throughout the halls gave everything a hint of fear. Yes, the few lights that dimmed the way was thought to make things visible. But the flickering of the florescence lights gave it more of a haunted asylum vibe. Not exactly the perfect setting for a romantic night.

We passed my floor and headed to the roof. The confusion set in my head made my sex drive plummet. 

"Why're we her—"

"Bottom or top?" he interrupted my speech as if I didn't even say anything.


"Which are you?"

"Oh," I paused only because the sight of the stars lighting the night sky caught my eye.

The sparkles of stars made the night a place where beauty is at its finest. The moon giving an open hand to those who look to the sky for when their minds are lost during the daylight. The scent of a frigid air brushing away all the thoughts that made you think badly of yourself. 

The night spoke words that the day could never think of. Giving hope and joy to those who wish upon the stars when they themselves can't find the answers. 

My beautiful embrace with the sky was soon torn when Jean waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Top or bottom dude." He didn't seem to see what I saw standing in front of me. Everything besides our bodies was what I set my gaze on. The night.

"Bottom," I replied still locking eyes with the dancing moon. "It's funny..."

Jean sat down on the concrete roof to see where I was observing. "What is?"

As I pointed to the glittered speckled sky, I said, "How planes pretend to be stars at night."

The blinkered wings of the plane I had spotted gave hope. Knowing there's a place for everyone. Even if you don't think you look the part.

"The plane...oh!" Jean spoke pointing to where I was. The smile that I had wished to see soon appeared glowing on him from the moonlight. He certainly was beautiful. His cluelessness made him even cuter.

"So Jean..." I sat next to him. Shoulder to shoulder. "I know this all so sudden but, are you really gay?"

I began to notice myself sobering up. His hair brushed across my forehead when he turned to face me. Being my anxious self, I acted as if I didn't notice him staring at me. The thought of us making eye-contact was already anxiety producing. I didn't want to do anything to ruin the moment. 

This perfect moment. Mindfulness is key and right now, that's all I want.


He stayed silent after that as if he was confessing at a church. The disappointment lingering through his voice made it see like being gay was that of the devil. Many people actually think that, yes, but Jean didn't seem religious.

"What's with the sad tone?" I asked playfully nudging him. Our eyes met finally.

"Being gay," he paused. "Really showed me how awful the world can be sometimes."

His head rested on mine while I rested on his shoulder. The warmth radiating from his was like a hug from all sides. 

"What do you mean?"

He fiddled with a pebble that he had found on the rooftop. He flicked it up like a penny in a coin toss only to have it roll away after not catching it. It didn't faze him, but I had a feeling my words did. 

Giving a sigh, he said, "Friends and family. You know the ones who truly care about you when you come out."

"When...did you come those people?" 

I crept my hands towards his having them intertwine. I've never sympathized this much with a person that I only see walking the halls with a nasty look on their face.

"Beginning of the school year. Marco. My best friend at the time...left. He thought I had feelings for him since we were so close. I didn't. But still, you can't control another person's thoughts. And you can't make someone stay."

A silence washed over us. I could tell he's been meaning to say that for quite awhile.

"Well these words may mean nothing now, but listen to me. I know how it feels to just want someone to care about you enough so you don't have to care about yourself." I then reach for his other hand. Both hands are being held as a speak. "But how can you love someone if you don't love yourself for who are you."

Eyes met once again.

I felt his grip tighten as he spoke, "I feel like myself when I'm with you for some reason."

"If you really do, then kiss me."

As soft as a rose pedal sailing towards the living Earth, his lips grazed my own. The feeling of his hands touching everything like vines wrapping around my body squeezed the tension onto both of us.

The passion grew like wild fire and I couldn't hold on. 

My back fell on the hard stone roof from the weight of it all. I watched as Jean crept his way between my legs to slither of my pants. His fingertips glided across the few hairs what stood on end. Not even the distant cars to ruin this moment.

His index ran up my chest and landed at my neck.

"Hickies?" he asked.

"Mhmm!" I nodded my head like a mad man. 

His voice was like a skate on ice. The symphony blew the music of romance through both of us. His body on top of mine made the world feel like nothing. The memories of past hookups washed away like a flood down into the bin of forgotten. 

My words were small, "Jean..."

And just like that, he was inside of me.


"Shh..." The sound tickled my ear like a feather. "You don't want anyone to hear us."

His few grunts made my heart beat out my chest. Begging for more, my arms wrapped around him. My kisses made like butterflies patted his neck and collarbone. Everything was so gentle. 

Minutes before I was crying over some silly straight—I don't even know his sexuality—guy and now, I'm get banged by a boy who just came out to me under Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night. 

"C-can we..." It was hard speaking when there was a literal being trusting inside of you. Descriptive, I know. "Make this a...thing? I t-think I may have come to a liking towards y-you."

"Sure babe," he spoke with a gritty grunt before stopping after some heavy breathing. 

He pulled out then laid next to my nearly limp body.


To Steal A Kiss (ereri)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin