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The dorm was quiet, maybe too quiet. Stomping could be heard throughout the halls. The stomping happened to be caused by Jimin.

He was freaking out about what he saw in his room. He had no idea who he would tell first. Luckily, the closest room to him was Namjoon and Roonchae's.

Jimin started to shake Namjoon uncontrollably until he woke up. While he was shaking Namjoon, he managed to wake Roonie.

"Jimin?" Roonie asked. She rubbed her eyes and sat up straight. "What's wrong?"

Jimin stopped messing with Namjoon and ran to Roonie's bed side. "I'm freaking out, Roonie!"

"Why?" Roonie asked. It was her first morning here and chaos was already starting.

"Come see for yourself. I don't know what to do about this!" Jimin yelled. He grabbed Roonie's arm and dragged her out of bed. By this time Namjoon was fully awake and followed Jimin and Roonie.

"Jimin, I don't see what the big deal-" Namjoon started, but he couldn't finish his sentence. He was too shocked at what he was seeing in front of him and so was Roonie.

"See, I told you!" Jimin said. "What do I do?"

Namjoon glared at Jimin. "Well, for starters, you didn't need to get Roonie!" Namjoon covered Roonie's eyes and pushed her out of the room. "Second, you should've covered him up." Namjoon grabbed the blanket and threw it on the bed.

Jimin nodded his head. "But hyung, he was sprawled out everywhere!"

Namjoon face palmed himself. "Oh, Jimin."

"Do you not care? I'm pretty sure Hoseok was fully dressed when I went to sleep!"

"He's a grown man, Jimin. Leave him be." Namjoon turned around to walk out of the room, but he was stopped by Jimin.

"But Roonie's here now! She can't see that."

"Then keep your door closed and locked."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Captain."


Hoseok woke up and stretched his arms and legs. He shivered a little bit and wrapped himself in the blanket. "Why do I feel so free?" He asked himself. He looked underneath the blankets and gasped loudly. "What the heck? When did I strip nude?" He yelled at himself. He hurriedly ran to his dresser and threw on clothes. He didn't care what he put on, as long as his body was completely covered.

"Hoseok, are you okay?" Roonie asked. She knocked on the door and attempted to walk in, but the door was locked.

Hoseok started to panic. He thought maybe she had walked into the room and saw him while he was naked and asleep.

"Yes, just... give me a second." He yelled to her. He waited a few minutes so he could calm down, before opening the door.

Hoseok opened the door, revealing himself. His face was bright red, but at least he was covered. "Hey, Roonie."

Roonie smiled. "Hey, Hoseok! I'm glad you were able to fall asleep!"

"Same here." He chuckled. The conversation stopped there, but they were both looking around awkwardly.

"I see you're fully clothed now." Roonie said, in between giggles.

Hoseok had a shocked expression on his face. "Fully clothed now? Did you, um, happen to see me earlier?"

"I'm gonna go now." She said, as she was trying to hide her giggles.

"Wait!" Hoseok said. He grabbed her wrist. "Tell me!"

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