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A/N: Now, do you all see this perfect human being? That is EXACTLY why he is my bias wrecker. Hell, I think he might be my bias now! You can't make me choose between Jiminie and Yoonie! I'm sorry, you just can't!😫😥


It was the next morning after Roonie secretly cried herself to sleep. Namjoon wasn't in the room since he slept in the studio accidentally, so he wasn't there to hear Roonie cry.

Everyone was already up before her, so they were a little worried on why she hasn't gotten up yet.

"Do you think she's okay?" Jungkook asked. "I'm not really good at dealing with female's emotions."

"Yeah, we know, Kookie." Yoongi said. He stood behind Hoseok and attempted to grab a piece of food that was put on a plate, but Hoseok slapped his hand away.

"No touching." Hoseok said, as he put more food on the plate. "It's not for you."

Yoongi gasped and craddled his hand. "What was that for?" He shouted.

"What's with all the yelling?" Jin asked l, as he was scratching his head and yawning. He looked at Yoongi who was holding his hand and then at Hoseok who was holding a plate of food. "Who cooked this?"

"I did." Hoseok spoke up. He placed the plate of food on the table.

"How did you learn to cook like this?" Jin asked. He was very impressed with Hoseok's cooking skills.

"Your cookbook." Hoseok held up Jin's cookbook and threw it at him.

"Who's the food for anyways? You didn't answer my question."

"It's for Roonie."

"For Roonie?" Jimin asked. "Why?"

"She seemed like she was having a bad night before she went to bed." Hoseok said. He wanted to cheer Roonie up.

"Isn't that sweet, Hoseok! Our little Hobi making breakfast." Jin said, while squeezing his cheeks. He stopped, quickly changing topics. "Did Namjoon touch anything?"

"No, I didn't touch anything." Namjoon said. He walked into the kitchen. "My back is killing me."

"Shouldn't have slept in the studio." Taehyung said.

"You slept in the studio again?" Yoongi asked. "How many times do we have to tell you to not do that!"

"What's with all the fussing?" Roonie asked, as she was making her way passed Namjoon and Yoongi, who looked very angry at each other.

"It's nothing, Roonie." Namjoon said. "Are you hungry?"

"Maybe a little bit." She answered.

"Well, Hoseok made you breakfast."

"Really?" Roonie asked. She looked at the plate of food on the table. "Hoseok, you didn't have to!"

"But I wanted to."

"Yes, I know, but you didn't have to."

"It's already made." Hoseok chuckled. "Hurry and eat, before Yoongi takes it all."

"What?" Yoongi said with a surprised tone. "I wouldn't dare eat all of that!" Then he thought to himself. "Actually, I would."

Roonie laughed and took a bite of her food. "So what's on the agenda today, boys?"

"Well, there isn't anything planned for today." Jimin said.

"How about a movie?" Jungkook suggested. "Movies are fun to watch."

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