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A/N: Okay, can we just take a second to appreciate how perfect Jungkook looks? I saw this photo and just couldn't NOT put it in here. 👏🙌 In this chapter, I'm going to be starting something where each member gets a chapter mainly with them and Roonie. There will still be other members in it, but it will mainly focus on one specific member, along with Roonie. The member for this chapter is Jungkook.


Roonie woke up the next morning and decided to get Jimin something. She felt bad that he hurt himself, so she wanted to buy him a tasty treat.

She snuck out of the dorm and walked to the supermarket with her hood on. She walked down the aisles to buy the perfect snack. She came across some mochi ice cream that she knows he likes. Who wouldn't like this ice cream?

She paid for it at the cash register and grabbed her bag. She walked back to the dorm and snuck back in. Thankfully everyone was still asleep, including Jimin, who would be stuck in bed all day today.

Roonie walked into Jimin and Hoseok's shared room, with the bag in her hand. She got on her knees next to Jimin's bed and lightly shook him, but he didn't budge.

"He has to be a heavy sleeper." She muttered to herself. This time she shook him a little harder, until his eyes fluttered open.

"Who's there?" Jimin mumbled. He was still sleepy, since Roonie woke him up.

"It's Roonie." She said. She held up the bag. "I have something good for you."

Jimin opened one eye and looked at the bag Roonie was holding. "What's in it?"

Roonie shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I don't know, maybe some mochi ice cream?" She took the ice cream out the bag and showed Jimin.

Jimin sat up in his bed with a huge smile on his face. "How did you know I loved mochi ice cream?"

Roonie laughed and sat down on the bed next to Jimin. She handed him the box and watched him open it and eat the ice cream. "Just a hunch. Everytime when I'm having a bad day or I'm upset, I like to eat mochi."

Jimin nodded his head while eating the ice cream. "I like to do that, too."

"Good. Are you feeling any better?"

"A little better. My ankle doesn't hurt anymore. If I rest more today, then it'll be completely healed by tomorrow." Jimin said while taking another bite of his ice cream.

"Then rest all you can today." Roonie said. She stood up. "Now it's time for me to leave. Go back to sleep, okay?"

"Okay, see you in a few hours, Roonie." Jimin said. He placed the box of mochi on his bedside and curled back into his covers.

Roonie took the box of ice cream, so she could put it in the freezer and it wouldn't melt. She smiled at Jimin sleeping and walked away. She went into the kitchen to put to box in the freezer.

"What are you doing up so early?" Jungkook asked. He was drinking a glass of water.

Roonie jumped a little bit. "Shit, Kookie, you scared me." She laughed. "I was just putting some ice cream in the freezer and before you ask, no it's not for you and yes it's for Jimin."

Jungkook smacked his lips. "I wasn't even going to ask that."

Roonie stared blankly at Jungkook. She knew he was lying.

"Okay, fine, maybe I was. But I wouldn't have eaten the ice cream."


"Okay, fine, maybe I would have. What are you, a mind reader?" Jungkook said. He placed his glass of water down on the table and walked down the hall.

Roonie •{BTS 8th Member}•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu