That Day

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Natsu is already eating breakfast when Lucy walks in. He smells her scent first, and without looking at her says, "Hey Lucy, did ya sleep well?"

Startled at his odd question, she nods, " yes." and orders her own breakfast.

"I found a job for us, so as soon as your done go pack for cold weather and meet me back here. Mira can fill you in on the details." Natsu says getting up to do his own prep for the job.

"Sure, wait whats the? Geez, what's up with him?"

Mira comes up to her giggles, "He does that a lot doesn't he? I think you might like this one." she says with a knowing smile and hands Lucy the flyer for the job. Its a lovers retreat in which they have been robbed and no one can find out who it is.

At the words lovers Lucy spits out her water, coughing she asks, "lovers retreat? What is this and whats with all the giggles and smiles? He doesn't feel that way. You were wrong last time too." She says pouting a little.

At this Lisanna bounces in and says, "Oh, Lucy your so silly! Of course he does, didn't you see his face, he was red as beat. That's why he left so fast without telling you it was a lovers retreat." She looks at the door with a wistful smile.. "I had my chance with him, but I think you fit his needs better than I do. Plus he sees me as family. I am Happy's mom in a sense, I helped him hatch and made sure Natsu didn't fry him." She giggles, looks at Lucy, "Take care of him, and he will take care of you. He won't break his promise of protecting your future, seeing the future you die with him not able to do anything was so hard for him. If it wasn't for you getting rid of the demon part of him, he wouldn't be here. You have nothing to worry about. He is slow, but as long as you are straightforward he'll get it." and with a happy look on her face she bounces off to deliver some ones drinks.

"See Lucy, even Lisanna thinks so, as well as most of the guild. Since the day you got here, Natsu can't take his eyes off you. Plus all the times he asks for your spare key to your apartment. We all know how he feels about you." Mira smiles and goes to prepare more orders.

Well, they do have a point. He said cold weather but since its a retreat should I bring that as well? Blushing to a deep red she enters her house and starts to pack grabbing some choice lingerie. Guess, I gata make it look real, we shouldn't have to do...THE act....right?


Natsu looks up and sees Lucy coming with her suitcase with a slight blush. Takes a breath and smells something different on her, a new perfume? He likes it, smiles at the thought she put into this job. I kinda want that dream to come true. Maybe this will be my chance? He thinks to himself on how to get Lucy in on the same idea as him. I guess this job will do it for me.

"I assume Mira told you what the job is?" Natsu slightly blushes.

"Yes, she did, and Lisanna helped too." looking away Natsu can see her ears are red. This is going to be harder than I thought to act like his lover.... "You ready to go?"

"Ya, geez I hate trains."


Lucy smiles, "I know, it won't be that long, and I am here. Windy gave me something to help you if your motion sickness gets outa control and I can't get you off the train on my own." She opens her purse and hands me the bottle.

"Am I supposed to drink it?"Looking at her for instructions. Leave it to her to think ahead.

"No! You smell it. Since your sense of smell is uncanny she said that just smelling would be enough." She states matter rolling her eyes, and looks at me, as if drinking the stuff would be so idiotic. It might be something I really would have done. I'm not that dense, am I?

I open it and take a wif. It smells so bad. "I'd rather smell you than this." I see her blush and look uncomfortable. "Come on Luce, you know what I mean, you smell good, like vanilla and strawberries, and today a little musty. Did you put on something different?

"No, I just cleaned up a bit." she turns her head and blushes a bit.

"Well, you certainly smell better than this stuff. Remind me to thank Windy when we get back. You better keep this, I might not be able to open it when needed."


"Sssssure." She stammers, and puts it back into her purse. What did he just say about smelling me. I know his sense of smell is strong, but, do I really smell like that? Oh come on! I settle into my seat. And Natsu leans onto me. I rub his back trying to comfort as the train leaves the station.


Once we get to the station we need to get off at I look at poor Natsu asleep on my shoulder, as if just physical contact with me made him relax enough to sleep. I try slapping him, I try shaking him, I try pinching him, nothing will wake him, so, I open the bottle Windy gave me, I don't even need to bring it to his nose, "UGH, Lucy was that necessary in waking me up?"

"Yes, it was, I tried waking you, but no matter how I hit or shook you, your eyes wouldn't open. We need to get off now."

I stand and go off the train. Natsu follows me and grabs my hand, leaning in to whisper in my ear, "We have to be convincing, we don't know how they select their targets." Holding my hand he gives a slight squeeze. I feel my cheeks start to blush.


As I lean in to whisper, I am reminded of my dream last night, and how much that musty sent is turning me on.

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