Morning Sickness?

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Waking up next to Natsu was the best feeling. I never wanted to get out of bed, he was so warm and comfortable. Suddenly I start to feel unwell and rush to the bathroom. I make it just in time. I hear Natsu at the door, he has a glass of water for me, "Are you alright, Luce?"

"Ya, this has been happening for the last week, first started out as nausea that went away now I am puking, hope I am not sic." I say grabbing the glass, "Thank you." Take a sip and sit on the floor. He looks at me and smells.

"I don't think your sic, your sent is slightly different." Sniff sniff, "ya, like a bit sweeter, hmm, you haven't changed any soaps have you?"

"No, I learned my lesson, trying new things in the bath is not for me." Grimacing remembering the time I went invisible, and Natsu was the only one who remembered me. I wonder if he loved me then that is why he remembered me, I smile at the memory.

"You look like your starting to fell better." He smiles and puts his hand out to assist me to stand.

"Thanks, I am, it only happens in the morning. Its so weird, I even have been having crazy cravings with spicy food, I normally can't stand to have my mouth on fire. But what you have been eating has been smelling amazing. Speaking of food, how 'bout we go get something to eat." I gather my things to leave and Natsu follows me to the guild, only place to find just what I was craving.

We enter holding hands and everyone says, "Awwwwe your so cute!" We make our way to the counter to order and when I ask for what Natsu orders Mira gives me a look, and says "ok, but be warned, only Natsu can stand this stuff."

When the food arrives I chow down as if this morning's bathroom trip didn't happen. When I am done, I smile, and look at Natsu and Mira who are starring at me with open mouths. "Uh, Luce, are you sure your doing ok? I mean you just puked this morning, and then you just put the food away like it was nothing."

"She was sic this morning and she still ate like that!?" Levy was there and she overheard our conversation, and pulled Lucy to the side. "Lu-chan, have you been using protection when your with Natsu?"

I pale, and she says, "Thought so, lets go. Mira, Natsu, we will be back in 15 min."

"Ok, I know she is in good hands." Mira looks at Natsu as if he is an idiot.

She slaps his head. "Owe! Mira what was that for?"

"You've been playing around and not using protection are you an idiot!" Mira getting mad at Natsu, "Do you have any idea how women get pregnant?"

"Pregnant? Where did that come from, I have no idea what your so upset about." He rubs the spot she hit him at and left the bar to sit at his table to wait for Lucy and Levy.


Sitting at my table I starts to ponder Mira's questions and why she could be so upset.

Pregnant? How women get pregnant? What does this have to do with Lucy, Igneal never went over that with me....pregnant.

Is it same as animals, if so?




OH SHIT!!!!!!! Could Lucy be.......

I stand up suddenly and go back to Mira, shock, panic, and confusion all readable on my face. Blushing I question Mira, "Uhm, Mira, uhm, about know, how? Is it like animals during mating season?"

Mira smiles and pulls me closer and whispers, she has had to explain it to Lisanna when she was younger. When she lets me pull away,  I felt the blood drain away from my face, and gulp I have to sit down. "Oh, shit. Luce, what have I done?" He turns pleadingly to Mira, "will she really be ok?"

"Yes, both of you will be just fine, if she is you will be a daddy, and she a mommy. Your marrying her anyway, your family is just growing faster than you thought." She smiled then walked away. What the hell am I supposed to do? Do I need to do anything? If Mira is right, I'll be a dad, with Lucy as mom. Maybe we can, I did raised Happy after all, how much harder could raising a kid be?  "huh. Well guess, I just have to wait for the results."

I get up and go back to my seat, Gray walks up half dressed, "Have you ever thought about having kids of your own?" I just blurted that out there.

"What the hell are you talking about flame brain, did you already get Lucy pregnant?" he laughed and continued walking. I see Juvia following behind stop and day dream.

"Kids with Gray-sama!" she passes out.


Levy takes me to the drug store and we get a pregnancy test, "Are you sure? Oh, God what if I am?"

I start to freak out and Levy turns me to face her, "Breath, Lu-chan, breath, that's its, in and out, breath, you will be just fine. You know Natsu would be an amazing dad. Plus you are already engaged to him, its not that uncommon to have kids before marriage. The guild will help anyway we can, and you will be an amazing mother." She smiles and continues to grab 2 tests and go to check out. I hand the cashier the money, and we head back to my apartment.

Once there, she sends me to the bathroom, I read what I have do and follow the instructions. Its not easy trying to pee on 2 different sticks, but its necessary for an accurate result. I set them aside and finish up. Washing my hands never taking my eyes off the sticks. I watch as the first line slowly appears, then hold my breath and see the second line start to form and at the end of 3 min. I can clearly see 2 lines, which means......I am pregnant.

"OH MY GOD!" I scream Levy comes in. I am crying on the floor of the bathroom I look up, "I can't afford a kid, I'm not even married yet. Levy can I really be a mom. I want this child. My god, I am pregnant. How do I tell Natsu?"

She pats my head, and I get up so she doesn't have to sit on the floor. "Lu-chan, you can do this, look at me, we will both be moms, our kids can become best friends too. You and Natsu have got this. It will all be alright."

"Ya?" I ask starting to calm down some.

"Ya." She smiles, reassuringly. "Ok, lets go to the guild and tell Natsu."

"Ya, sure, ok." I reply still dazed at the fact I am pregnant.

We head out to the guild discussing the many ways to tell him. We both conclude that with him being straightforward is the best option. He may be too dense to understand if we try to hint at it. When we get there Levy opens the door and I take a deep breath.

Walking into the guide Natsu is sitting with his head in his hands, looking so lost and scared of what I might have to tell him. A gust of wind blows behind me and Natsu lifts his head. He is always able to sense when I arrive. "Hey, Natsu. So, found out why I got sic every morning, and also why I now have cravings. Natsu, we are going to be parents. I'm pregnant."


"Natsu, I'm pregnant." I hear her say those words again, I must have looked stunned. My mind went blank. Then I feel this overwhelming joy! I can't contain my happiness.

I grab Lucy by the waist and lift her up spinning then I start to run around the guild hall and shout, "I'm going to be a dad!"

Huzzah's and congratulations can be heard by all. "Natsu, put me down!" Lucy tries getting out of my grasp, but she isn't trying very hard. I know she likes this. I go ahead and set her down,  knelling before her I kiss her belly.

"Hey, baby, I'm your daddy. Can't wait to meet you!" Standing up I pull Lucy into a hug, and give her a sweet kiss. More shouts can be heard.


"How sweet!"

"Get a room!"

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