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Agatha P.O.V

I was back at my home. I decided to change out of my daughter's..... Well, let's just call them clothes that decently cover everything. I found my old trunk filled with my own clothes that perfectly show off everything. I chose the one that shows off my legs and bosom. The only good thing that came of my useless daughter would be a vessel that's the same size as I am. Her bosom aren't as big as mine were so they don't quite fill out my dress. Her legs, on the other hand, were rather nice. I was standing in the balcony of my grand room. I looked out into the forest. The sun was setting. The sunset seemed to have triggered one of my daughter's memories. Little Arachne, otherwise known to the DWMA as Maya Igorashi, is standing on the balcony of the DWMA. The sunset looked exactly like the one I was seeing. I don't have any recollection of this memory.

"This must've happened while I was asleep." I thought to myself. The light purple meshed perfectly with the golden orange from the sun. Little Arachne propped herself on the balcony. She swung her legs over so she could still see the sunset.

"It'll be a beautiful view on the way down." She thought to herself. I covered my mouth in shock. Her hands and arms were shaking. She was about to push herself off when a pair of arms wrapped around her and pulled her back to safety. She grunted as she rolled on the ground. Confusion was growing in her mind.

"That's definitely one way to ruin the image of a sunset." she heard, Little Arachne looked up and saw Stein. His back was facing her. He was looking at the sunset set as if he was savoring it. Remembering it. To associate the sunset with this memory. Just like she did. "Maya," he said. She couldn't help but flinch at the harshness of his tone. "What were you trying to do?" he asked in the same tone. She looked down in shame.

"Isn't it obvious?" she said the same way he did. I could feel the coldness in her eyes. "I'm a monster." she said. I could feel tears reach the brink of my own eyes. I could feel her pain but when she called my creation... My daughter..... Herself a monster, I felt my own pain. This was new to me. I never thought I'd feel sad because of something she said. I could tell from the way she talks, it wasn't too long after my soul was devoured.

"She tried to kill us both....." I trailed off. I continued to watch the memory of herself and Stein. He approached her with an unreadable expression on his face. He sat on his knees in front of Little Arachne. They stared at each other for a minute. All of a sudden, there was a stinging pain across her cheek. I could feel the quick blast of shock. Then, the same pair of arms wrapped around her and brought her to his chest. She could feel a hand on the back of her hand.

"You're not a monster." he said to her.

"That's why she fell for him." I said. I grit my teeth. "Hey, wake up!" I yelled. I can hear her groaning.

"What?" she answered hoarsely.

"You tried to kill us while I slept?!" I yelled angrily.

"Well if I succeeded, this wouldn't be happening right now, would it?" she replied nonchalantly.

"I saw the entire memory." I told her.

"So what?" she said without a care in the world.

"I know you love him. That was when you first realized it." I said smugly. All of a sudden, she was quiet. "Nothing more to say?" I teased, "It won't last long. All of your secrets came out. Do you really think you return your affections? He won't even trust you. You'll be lucky if the DWMA doesn't turn you out after this." I began laughing. I could feel her anger grow. I could feel her struggling in her chains like I used to. Ah. Memories.

Maya P.O.V

I struggled in my chains to try and break free. However, it was of no use.

"She found out everything......" I thought to myself, "What if he finds out?..... It wouldn't matter. He probably hates me by now. The only reason he'd come for me is so Lord Death could put me to death." I hung my head in shame. I stopped my struggling. I felt tired. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let her have my body. She won't live very long once Stein and Lord Death get a hold of her. We'll both die. She'll die for good this time. I'll let Stein and Lord Death kill us both." I was a little sad about leaving Stein but if it was needed to finally kill Agatha, then I certainly won't hesitate to die.

Lord Death P.O.V

Right after Stein left, Kid looked at me waiting for an explanation. I sighed finally giving in to that demanding stare of his.

"You know who Miss Maya is, correct?" I asked.

"Yes. She's your assistant and Professor Stein's weapon..... and his little crush" he replied. I looked at him in a bit of shock.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"You saw how worried he was about her. Since when has he ever been so concerned about another person when it doesn't involve dissection?" he retorted. I covered my eyes with my hand and sighed. "Anyways, what about Miss Maya?" he asked.

"You heard of the Witch of Souls, Agatha Rune?" I asked. He nodded. "That's Maya's mother. She attached half of her soul to Maya's and she took over her body." I stated. Kid kept the emotionless look about his face. He promptly stood up and began walking away. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to send Maka and Soul after Stein." he told me, "Their witch hunter skill is probably the only thing that could kill Agatha without harming Miss Maya."

"Stein said he wanted to do this alone." I argued. Kid stopped and looked at me.

"Any attack he does will harm Miss Maya as well as Agatha. If he does kill Agatha, then odds are he'll kill Miss Maya as well." he said. I stopped arguing. He was right. I let him go send Maka and Soul. They're a powerful pair. I doubt they'd get in the way.

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