I'm scared

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It was a dark stormy night and in the loud house everyone was asleep except for little Lily Loud. Lily couldn't sleep because she was afraid of the thunder and lighting outside. Normally she asked Lisa to stay with her until she fell asleep but ever since Lily had moved into Lincoln's old room Lisa got their room all to herself. Lily also couldn't ask Lisa because Lisa was spending the night at a friend's house. She would go ask one of the twins, except they would probably fight over who she got to sleep with. Lily was also afraid to go downstairs at night, so going to her parents room was not an option. This made the closest room to her was Lincoln's new room (also Lynn's and Lucy's old room). Lily grabbed her favorite blanket that she has had since she was little and opened the door.

Lily walked down the hall to Lincoln's room. As she opened the door the sound of thunder filled the house. Lily's eyes filled with tears as she opened her big brothers door. She walked in as more thunder filled the house full of sound. Lily now had tears streaming down her face as she quickly shuffled over to Lincoln's bed. She shook Lincoln lightly but he didn't wake up. More thunder entered the room. By this time Lily's eyes were red and her cheeks were stained with tears. She shook Lincoln harder not stopping until he started to wake up. "Uh...Lily...mmh... what time is it...do you need something" said Lincoln clearly still half asleep.

"Sorry Lincoln but I just couldn't sleep... I... I was afraid of the thunder" said Lily more tears filled her eyes. Lincoln looked at his younger sister and saw the tears in her eyes. Lincoln gave a warm smile remembering that when Lola and Lana where her age that they did the same thing. "How about we go back to your room and I'll stay with you until you fall asleep" said Lincoln climbing out of bed. Lily whipped the tears from her eyes and nodded. She grabbed Lincoln's hand and they walked to her room together.

Lily LoudWhere stories live. Discover now