Lily runs away part 2

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3 am (when Lily left)

Lily looked around her room as she was lost in thought. 'Does Lola really hate you? Does anyone else in the house hate you and wish you were never born? How many of them think your a waste of space? Are you a waste of space?' she kept repeating these same questions in her head along with what Lola said. Lily finally let out a sigh and swung her feet over the side of her bed. 'Maybe they all hate you! Maybe Lincoln hates you!' said the voice in her head. Lily got tears in her eyes at the thought of Lincoln hating her. 'No Lincoln loves me, he always is there and is making me feel better' Lily said back to the voice.

'Okay maybe Lincoln loves you but everyone else hates you. Lori and Leni left and barely come to visit, but when they do they never spend time with you. And now, in about a month, Luna's going to go too and won't be there either' the voice seemed to never stop talking. Lily got up grabbed her biggest backpack and shoved almost all her clothes inside. She then grabbed her wallet and counted her money. She had $350. Which how she got that much she didn't know. Lily grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a note to her family. She then set it in the almost empty drawer. Lily opened her bedroom door and peeked out. Everything seemed quiet. She stepped out and walked down the hall to the stairs. Lily walked down them to the front door. She stopped right before opening it. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks then made six different types of sandwiches. She shoved them in her cramped backpack and went back to the front door. She opened it and stepped out. She looked behind her and wispered "I love all of you even you Lola. And Lola I forgive you".

After a few hours

Lily walked to the edge of town. She looked to her left to see the road that leads to Ronnie Anne's town, which wouldn't be wise because what if she ran into Lori or Bobby or Ronnie Anne. Or even their family. Then she looked to the right to see the forest that she was told to never enter. She walked to her left and came to the edge of the forest. She looked back at the town. "There's no going back now" she said. Lily took a step into the forest and started walking in.

With Lola after she finds the note and leaves

Lola wrapper her coat around herself as she walked down the sidewalk. She thought of where Lily would go. Then a question popped into her head. 'What would be the one place no one would ever think of looking for her' she asked herself. 'The forest' she said to herself. Lola ran towards the end of town. She saw the forest and staired at it for a minute. Then she looked back at the town and sighed. "I'll bring Lily back! I promise" she said then she turned and faced the forest. She looked at the trees then walked in.

Back to the rest of the family

Lincoln looked down at the paper after Lola closed the front door. He read it aloud

"Dear family,
I am sorry but I have to go, if Lola doesn't love me, how am I to know if any of you really love me. Don't worry about me, if you do love me, because I have my clothes and plenty of money. I believe I know exactly where to go. Please don't come looking for me because it's probably morning already for you guys. I now have probably been gone for about 6 hours. I don't know but I left around three in the morning. Even if you don't love me I just wanted to say that I love you! Goodbye!!!



Lincoln stood there as tears ran down his face. He turned to see everyone else too. Lincoln tried to wipe away his tears but more just replaced those. "Okay first we need to figure out where Lily went then second how to bring her back" said Lincoln trying to contain his tears. "If you want I do have the video of what happened last night" said Lisa. "What do you mean" asked Lana. "I mean that I set up cameras all over the house" said Lisa. "That's just messed up dude" said Luna. "Do you want to see them or not" said Lisa in an annoyed voice. "Yes we do" said Lincoln. They all walked to Lisa's room. On the wall was a TV screen that was black. They all walked over to it and waited for Lisa to turn it on. When Lisa turned it on Lily was on the screen.

Everyone watched as Lily walked down the stairs to the door then she stopped. "Why did she stop" asked Lana. "I don't know" replied Lisa. Lily walked towards the kitchen. The screen change to in the kitchen. They watched as Lily made different types of sandwiches and shove them in her backpack then walk back to the front door and open it. They watched as Lily turned around and said "Goodbye everyone I love you and Lola I forgive you" then she shut the door.  Everyone stood there frozen at what they just saw. Lincoln finally broke the silence. "Okay we know that she forgives Lola but if we do find her she won't admit it" said Lincoln. "Yeah but how can we prove to Lily that Lola feels very bad about what happened" asked Lana. Lincoln thought for a moment then an idea popped into his head. "Wait Lisa do you have cameras in the hallways to" asked Lincoln. "Yeah why" said Lisa. "Do you have this morning on them" he asked. "I do believe so" said Lisa readjusting her glasses. "Perfect" said Lincoln. "What dude" asked Luna. "If we show Lily the video of Lola apologizing this morning then maybe she would come back" said Lincoln.

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