Lily's first crush

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Everyone in the loud house has had a crush before. Well everyone except Lily Loud. But that was all about to change! It all started like this...

Lily walked into her Kindergarten classroom. As she was walking over to her cubby to put her backpack away she tripped over something and she went falling forward. Luckily someone in front of her caught her right in time. She looked up to see her friend, Chris, had grabbed her before she fell. Chris helped Lily to get up all the way. "Are you okay Lily" Chris asked. "Ye... yeah I'm fine" she said blushing. "Okay see you later" said Chris walking off leaving Lily standing there.

After school

Lily was quiet the whole way home. She couldn't stop thinking about Chris and how Chris saved her. Every time she thought of Chris she couldn't help but smile. When they got home, Lily rushed upstairs to her room and pulled out her diary. She wrote about what happened and how Chris had saved her. She wrote about how weird she felt afterwards and how she can't stop thinking about Chris. She didn't know what was wrong with her. All she could think about was Chris. Lily thought and knew she needed to find out what was wrong with her. Maybe she was sick, or had food poisoning. She made a worried faced when she thought about the fact of being sick. Lily thought for a moment and then knew that she knows the perfect person to help her.

Lily put her diary back in her desk drawer. She then walked out of her bedroom and down the hall. She walked to Lincoln's room and opened the door. "Yeah I wish you could have seen his face Ronnie Anne it was priceless" laughed Lincoln. Lincoln called Ronnie Anne almost every day. He also said that she said she was going to the college here in Royal Woods because she missed Lincoln and Royal Woods. Lily closed the door. Lincoln looked up and saw Lily. "Oh hi Lily" he said. "Hey, Lincoln can we talk" asked Lily. "Sure" he replied. "Sorry Ronnie Anne I have to go. I'll call you later" he said as he hung up. "So, what do you want to talk about" asked Lincoln. "I think I'm sick" said Lily. Lincoln looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean" he questioned.

"Well, I have butterflies in my stomach, I can't think straight, and I've become very sweaty" said Lily looking at Lincoln with a confused look. Lincoln smiled and got up from his bed. "Oh Lily I think I know what's wrong" said Lincoln. "What is it" she asked curiously. "Lily you have a crush" said Lincoln. "What's a crush" asked Lily. "A crush is when you like someone" replied Lincoln. Lily looked at him and thought for a moment. "Are you saying that I'm in love" asked Lily. Lincoln nodded "So tell me what happened today". "Well..." Lily told him all about what happened from her getting to school and how she tripped. Then how Chris had saved her and how she felt weird around Chris the rest of the day.

When Lily finished telling him about her day he smiled big. "Lily you have your first crush" said Lincoln with tears of joy. Lily blushed as her brother said that. "What do I do? I mean what if Chris doesn't like me? Or what if Chris doesn't like the same things I do?" asked Lily. "Lily if Chris doesn't like the real you then Chris is not the right for you. Chris will also be missing out on one awesome girl" said Lincoln reassuringly. Lily smiled at her big brother. "Thanks Lincoln your always know what to say" said Lily giving him a hug before running off.

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