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It is essential to know the stages and what to avoid doing in order to elevate. There is no need to assume status when you can just ask or open your eyes to see exactly what is and what isn't. Words without action should never move you. Anyone can sell you a dream, but what are they doing to make it a reality.


At this stage you are just getting to know someone after the exchange of numbers. Whether you met online or in person at this point you really are unaware of exactly what you want to establish. This is an important stage where listening is vital. Be in tune with your intuition and trust and believe all you hear. When you first have a phone conversation and things just don't feel right you can back away immediately before the problems begin to start.

If in anyway you want to start a relationship and have your options open to the possibilities then do not settle for less in the beginning. If you like to talk then don't agree to texting early on because how it start will most likely determine how it will continue.

Understand at any point in this stage you have the right to exit due to any inconsistencies or bad energy you are feeling. When you first meet someone you normally can expect to talk alot to learn more about each other especially if you are building interest and not attraction.


At this point you both see potential in each other and have start spending time with each other. There is chemistry and things may be going in a direction to turn into something more long term. Due to the fact that there in no title at this point you should not act as though you are a girlfriend at any point. In all truth you could be one of his options and it's important to continue your life as you had prior to meeting to avoid getting emotionally involved too soon.

Women have a tendency to wait and wait for a man based on the time he's giving us without realizing he could be doing the same to many other women. It is best to keep feelings and emotions below the surface until you are sure as to what he wants. When we like someone we become fixated and take the driver seat without warning which ultimately leads to pushing a man away versus pulling him closer to you.

When there is no title then in no way should you overcompensate in hopes to propel things forward. We have to stop attempting to rush things because it is not going the way we want them to and allow nature to take it's course. What is meant to be is going to happen exactly how it is supposed to without our interference.


When you are placed in this zone unfortunately a man does not see you past someone who he can just be cool with and hang out with from time to time. If a man ever puts you in the dreaded friend zone this is not the time to panic or think something is wrong with you. Depending on the dynamics of your relationship this can be a good thing.

When you can be friends with a man before beginning a relationship this can be long lasting. In the event that you feel as if he is just putting you on hold until he finds something better you have a choice to leave at any given time. When you understand what a friend is and you apply it to what is transpiring between you two you have more clarity on what is going on. Friends don't sleep with each other at all.

If your feelings are already involved do not agree to sleep with him regardless because you will be the only one feeling more attached to the situation than he is. This is the time to date other men to establish something more solid. When you view your male friend think of this the same as you would your friendship with your female friends. You can talk, hang out, be loyal to each other, supportive, etc without getting tied up romantically.


I will advise all women to avoid settling for being a booty call if in anyway you feel as if your great skills will give you access into a man's world. Yes it will be great for a moment but it won't get you love. Understand that if a man saw you as potential you would be his girlfriend, fiancee' or wife and not just someone he sleeps with. Many women tend to think that by settling for less it will somehow give them leverage but in reality it makes them seem desperate or appear to have low self-esteem.

If you are uncomfortable and can't handle what comes with giving your body away and gaining nothing in the process please do not agree to being something you don't want to be hoping it will get you closer to the man you desire. Many times we give men the best of us and get bare minimum from him and wonder why we come up empty. It is not his fault, it is our own by choosing to be something we are not in order to have what we want.

Only person who benefits in this position is the guy unfortunately. Half the time women agree to this position because we truly like a guy and will do anything to be in his life, or the numb women who have adopted a man mentality still suffer because pain have caused them to become detached. No matter what drives a woman to settle for less until it is addressed it is only going to cause more pain when reality hits about what is really happening.

Use your intuition at all times to avoid being hurt. Don't ever be afraid to walk away from what does not serve you because of your fear of being alone or rejection.

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